10-7  按行业分建筑企业主要经济指标(2002)
major indicators of construction enterprises by sector,2002
      projects     线路管    
  #房  道设备 # 设备  
建筑业  建筑业 安装业 安装业 装饰业
civil engineering building pipes lines and
1.企业单位数 (个) number of enterprises (unit)       989 700 683 116 457
2.总产值 (亿元) gross output value (100 million yuan) 346.11 253.22 62.70 21.59 18.82
    增加值 value added 84.64 60.88 20.42 6.11 5.99
    竣工产值 output value of completed 261.27 197.25 51.97 18.25 12.47
floor space of building under
   construction  (10000 sq.m)
5461.68 5320.76 79.33 72.13  
  #本年新开工   newly space newly started
     building in current year
2765.17 2663.75 24.51 22.09  
4.房屋竣工面积 (万平方米) floor space of building
   completed  (10000 sq.m)
2457.42 2375.61 61.11 57.17  
  #一次交验合格面积    space of  first-time check out (%) 2069.76 2028.21 55.13 52.49  
  #住宅   residential building 1388.48 1367.43 10.64 10.55  
5.职工年末人数 (万人) number of staff & workers at
   year-end (10000 persons)
43.69 32.23 5.65 1.51 2.53
  职工年平均人数 annual average balance of staff
 &workers at year-end 
40.65 30.32 5.81 1.55 2.46
6.工程竣工个数 (个) number of projects completed                   7942 4932 12461 3334  
  #一次交验合格个数   number of first-time check out 6446 4373 10812 2643  
  一次交验合格率 (%)   eligibility of first-time check out (%) 81.2 88.7 86.8 79.3  
overall labor productivity
 (in terms of gross output value)
85152 83512 107977 139414 76461
8.工资总额 (亿元) total wages (100 million yuan) 49.10 36.63 7.02 1.87 2.97
9.财务指标 (亿元) financial indicators  (100 million yuan)              
  资本金合计 total capital 133.41 100.31 36.17 8.65 19.59
  流动资产年末数 circulating funds at year-end 341.14 262.91 76.34 24.62 27.24
  固定资产原值 original value of fixed assets 108.62 71.76 19.98 6.40 6.37
  固定资产净值 net value of fixed assets 80.83 56.40 14.68 4.43 4.85
  企业总收入 total income 342.40 249.65 66.89 21.83 21.03
  工程结算收入 project settle accounts 329.41 245.08 63.76 21.13 20.05
actual cost of projects settle 299.05 223.01 52.21 17.75 16.65
  利润总额 total profits 5.75 4.20 3.46 0.47 0.83
  #工程结算利润 profits of project settle accounts 19.13 13.42 9.30 2.65 2.66
  利税总额 total pre-tax profits 17.58 13.14 5.83 1.23 1.64