9-12  ¹æÄ£ÒÔÉÏÖ÷ÒªÄÜÔ´°´¹¤ÒµÐÐÒµ·Ö×éÏû·ÑÁ¿(2002Äê)
consumption of major energy above designated size by industrial sector, 2002
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coal concentrate coal (ton) coke gasoline kerosene (ton)   diesel oil (ton)   fuel oil (ton)   electricity (10000 kwh)
 (ton)  (ton) (ton)
¡¡ ¡¡ ¡¡ ¡¡ ¡¡ ¡¡
ºÏ    ¼Æ total 23753412 660922 1011245 56845 11004 422884 460067 2184774
ú̿²ÉÑ¡Òµ coal  mining  and  dressing 370779     762 1 1572   15684
ºÚÉ«½ðÊô¿ó²ÉÑ¡Òµ ferrous  metals  mining  and  dressing  4888 114 4 77   2003   9314
ÓÐÉ«½ðÊô¿ó²ÉÑ¡Òµ nonferrous  metals  mining  and  dressing 199     49   4065   6557
·Ç½ðÊô¿ó²ÉÑ¡Òµ nonmetal  minerals  mining  dressing 7933     155 7 7959 23 4656
ľ²Ä¼°Öñ²Ä²ÉÔËÒµ logging  and  transport  of  timber  and  2203     344   35   769
ʳƷ¼Ó¹¤Òµ food processing  806466 80 2572 3763 612 11551 13362 56787
ʳƷÖÆÔìÒµ food  manufacturing 530028   1036 713 31 4399 11841 32242
ÒûÁÏÖÆÔìÒµ beverage  manufacturing 120271   948 558   2652 20461 18489
Ñ̲ݼӹ¤Òµ tobacco  processing 17352     201   963 3794 4384
·ÄÖ¯Òµ textile  industry 703590 1247   1486 736 12186 42433 144485
·þ×°¼°ÆäËûÏËάÖÆÆ·ÖÆÔìÒµ garments  and  other  fiber  products 47940   726 2687 274 7091 9478 32003
Ƥ¸ï¡¢Ã«Æ¤¡¢ÓðÈÞ¼°Æä leather, furs, down  and  related  products 38704   2 3829 54 15120 3070 59181
ľ²Ä¼Ó¹¤¼°Öñ¡¢ÌÙ¡¢×Ø¡¢²Ý timber  processing, bamboo, cane, palm  193503   63 447 2 851   32433
  ÖÆÆ·Òµ  fiber  and  straw  products
¼Ò¾ßÖÆÔìÒµ furniture  manufacturing       587 130 5090   8663
ÔìÖ½¼°Ö½ÖÆÆ·Òµ papermaking  and  paper products  869697   36 1699 108 6270 21677 122531
Ó¡Ë¢Òµ¡¢¼Ç¼ý½éµÄ¸´ÖÆ printing and record medium reproduction  480   65 1079 28 351 346 8073
ÎĽÌÌåÓýÓÃÆ·ÖÆÔìÒµ cultural, educational and sports goods 4495     941 2 3210 2701 10372
ʯÓͼӹ¤¼°Á¶½¹Òµ petroleum processing and coking  390     145 5 61 12750 34817
»¯Ñ§Ô­Áϼ°»¯Ñ§ÖÆÆ·ÖÆÔìÒµ raw chemical materials and chemical
2631734 3450 26222 4330 3602 6418 23243 325455
Ò½Ò©ÖÆÔìÒµ medical and pharmaceutical products  102765   70 540 25 1016 2062 21110
»¯Ñ§ÏËάÖÆÔìÒµ chemical fiber 164264   33856 234   2057 38680 88123
Ïð½ºÖÆÆ·Òµ rubber  products  46325     2073 2 2167 5125 26868
ËÜÁÏÖÆÆ·Òµ plastic products  81174 26 212 1488 209 15528 8106 81676
·Ç½ðÊô¿óÎïÖÆÆ·Òµ nonmetal  minerals  products  3038962 50479 3834 3959 1454 208736 127659 287702
ºÚÉ«½ðÊôÒ±Á¶¼°Ñ¹ÑÓ¼Ó¹¤Òµ smelting and pressing of ferrous metals  437338 603761 903737 1516 2 10250 14741 165002
ÓÐÉ«½ðÊôÒ±Á¶¼°Ñ¹ÑÓ¼Ó¹¤Òµ smelting and pressing of nonferrous metals  39359 698 4903 423 1632 13407 6784 98722
½ðÊôÖÆÆ·Òµ metal products  13591   2794 1150 473 8114 4125 40283
ÆÕͨ»úеÖÆÔìÒµ ordinary machinery  16410   25018 1112 246 12422 895 40132
רÓÃÉ豸ÖÆÔìÒµ special purpose equipment  9053 570 2172 955 23 4156 1847 10255
½»Í¨ÔËÊäÉ豸ÖÆÔìÒµ transport equipment  1600 497 2228 2349 467 14348 419 32654
ÎäÆ÷µ¯Ò©ÖÆÔìÒµ weapon and ammunition                
µçÆø»úе¼°Æ÷²ÄÖÆÔìÒµ electric equipment and machinery  7996   679 1328 377 12990 922 53549
µç×Ó¼°Í¨ÐÅÉ豸ÖÆÔìÒµ electronic and telecommunications 1259     2089 29 3261 8743 71260
ÒÇÆ÷ÒÇ±í¼°ÎÄ»¯¡¢°ì¹«Óûú instruments,meters,cultural and clerical 70   46 404 52 606   4731
  еÖÆÔìÒµ   machinery
ÆäËûÖÆÔìÒµ other manufacturing 16010   22 2782 401 10433 4205 42957
µçÁ¦¡¢ÕôÆû¡¢ÈÈË®µÄÉú²úºÍ¹©Ó¦Òµ production and supply of electric power,
 steam and hot water 
13420370     9608 20 11002 70576 162860
 steam and hot water 
úÆøÉú²úºÍ¹©Ó¦Òµ production and supply of gas  5515     585   454   785
×ÔÀ´Ë®µÄÉú²úºÍ¹©Ó¦Òµ production and supply of tap water  700     396   93   29209
¡¡ ¡¡ ¡¡ ¡¡ ¡¡ ¡¡ ¡¡ ¡¡ ¡¡ ¡¡