8-8  粮食作物播种面积
sown areas of grain
 单位:千公顷      (1000 hectare)
    item 1995 2000 2001 2002
                 total 2017.35 1828.51 1725.72 1630.28
按收获季节分   by harvest season               
  春收粮食   spring harvest         172.17 163.24 149.67 139.11
  夏收粮食    summer harvest       626.37 509.57 461.94 414.80
  秋收粮食     autumn harvest      1218.81 1155.70 1114.11 1076.37
按品种分     by crop                    
          rice       1406.25 1222.30 1156.56 1082.98
                early rice       536.72 414.30 371.18 327.13
        中稻和一季晚稻     middle rice and late rice for one season 335.35 393.59 430.81 442.32
        双季晚稻         late rice for two seasons 534.18 414.41 354.57 313.53
  大小麦            barley and wheat 89.27 51.12 40.09 31.83
  #小          wheat   69.11 38.68 30.42 23.54
        sweet potato         280.84 280.74 267.63 259.69
  马铃薯      potato       66.50 88.56 86.41 85.40
        food grains other than wheat and rice         43.76 47.03 44.45 43.96
                soybean 107.01 105.38 98.23 93.83
        sundry soybean         23.71 33.37 32.34 32.59