7-13  保险公司业务经济技术指标(2002年)
economic and technical indicators of insurance companies 
单位:万元   (10000 yuan)
      item 保险金额     赔款及给付
amount insured premium claim and payment
财产保险公司合计     property insurance companies 97662411 274155 142590
  财产保险   property insurance 89152016 254005 134966
  #企业财产险           enterprise property insurance 31168597 35314 19473
    家庭财产险           family property insurance 6488756 10442 931
    机动车辆险           motor vehicle insurance 17840598 167589 88719
    船舶险               ship insurance 16316259 8583 7539
    货物运输险           freight transport inurance 9843166 15451 8386
    卫星及核能险         satelite and nuclear energy insurance 9000 41  
    建筑、安装工程       construction and installation projects 1889635 3584 5939
  责任险             liability insurance 8054875 14720 6373
  信用险         credit insurance 74351 807 703
  保证保险           guarantee insurance 307688 4244 398
  农业险             agriculture insurance 73481 379 150
人寿保险公司合计     life insurance companies   0 0
  个人业务      631104 3606
    寿险                 life insurance   613413 43
    健康险               health insurance   13150 2128
    人身意外伤害险       unforeseen human insurance   4541 1435
  团体业务     77547 13557
    寿险                 life insurance   41007 16
    健康险               health insurance   14212 5953
    人身意外伤害险       unforeseen human insurance   20334 6296
    补充医疗保险     1994 1292