7-8  银行现金收入及支出  
case income and expenditures of banking system  
单位:亿元       (100 million)  
     item 1995 2000 2001 2002  
现金收入 cash income               3531.20 14799.25 17870.46 17009.54  
#商品销售收入   income from commodity sales         621.12 1127.24 1135.85 1157.49  
  服务事业收入          income from service trade 201.32 527.24 563.07 601.05  
  税款收入              income from taxes 33.06 78.74 80.62 93.26  
  个体经营收入     income from incividual business      69.46 310.64 259.97 260.25  
  储蓄存款收入          income from savings deposits 1837.80 11275.47 14254.80 13433.09  
  其他金融机构收入      income from other finacial institutions 93.68 71.31 67.02 39.74  
  汇兑收入              income from remittances 165.80 468.89 421.51 390.71  
现金支出              cash expenditures 3540.42 14837.47 17916.91 17055.22  
#工资及对个人其他支出   wages and other expenditures 374.78 604.27 595.72 667.93  
  农付产品收购支出      purchase of agricultural and sideline products 165.90 360.62 362.12 408.92  
  工矿产品收购支出      purchase of industrial and mineral products 156.25 379.83 363.37 403.53  
  行政事业管理费支出   expenditure of government and enterprises overhead  154.22 500.12 551.54 642.30  
  个体经营支出   expenditure for individual business         85.99 374.34 373.88 360.89  
  储蓄存款支出          expenditure for savings deposits 1799.48 11438.26 14268.60 13339.61  
  其他金融机构支出   expenditure for other financial institutions    69.42 61.49 109.80 23.92  
  汇兑支出              expenditure for remittances 135.62 275.52 233.20 200.07  
note:cash income and expenditures from 1997 include cash income and expenditure of credit banks,and it is not comparable with those in previous year.