6-13  福州 厦门房地产价格指数(2002年)
price indices of real estate in fuzhou and xiamen cities, 2002
上年价格为100   (preceding year=100)
项   目 item 福 州 厦 门
fuzhou xiamen
 一、房屋销售价格指数 selling price indices of houses 101.1 103.0
  1.商品房   commercial houses 101.4 103.2
     住宅     residential buildings 102.1 103.7
      经济适用房       economical houses   100.8
      普通住宅       general residential buildings 102.1 104.1
      豪华住宅       luxury residential buidings 100.0 100.0
     非住宅     non-residential buildings 97.9 101.6
  2.公房交易   transactions of state-owned houses 104.0 104.0
  3.私有住房   private-owned house 98.9 101.6
 二、土地交易价格指数 transactions price indices of land 106.0 101.7
  #居民住宅用地   land of residential building use 109.1 102.4
 三、房屋租赁价格指数 renting price indices of houses 98.6 98.0
  1.住     residential houses 98.0 100.3
  2.办公用房   office buildings 97.9 97.1
  3.商业用房   house for business 99.7 94.0
  4.厂房仓库   workshops and storehouses 98.7 99.2
note:indices of fuzhou city refer to the indices of district under fuzhou city.