6-12  分行业工业品出厂价格指数
ex-factory price indices of industrial products by sector
以上年价格为100     (preceding year=100)
         1995 2000 2001 2002
煤炭采选业                     coal mining and dressing 109.3 115.3 105.7 122.0
黑色金属矿采选业               ferrous metals mining and dressing 105.2 92.9 105.9 103.1
有色金属矿采选业               nonferrous metals mining and dressing 135.4 99.9 105.3 104.4
建筑材料及其它非金属矿采选业   buliding meterial and others nonmetal
  minerals mining and dressing 
103.3 100.4 99.5 99.9
采盐业                     salt mining 103.4 100.0 105.5 97.1
木材及竹材采运业               logging and transport of timber
 and banboo
107.0 106.0 103.7 97.5
自来水生产与供应业             production and supply of tap water 113.5 108.8 103.3 103.6
食品制造业                     food manufacturing 129.6 96.2 96.2 99.2
饮料制造业                     beverage manufacturing 107.8 100.0 94.9 97.6
烟草加工业                     tobacco processing 107.3 100.0 108.4 103.0
饲料工业                       fodder industry 135.4 89.6 103.8 97.8
纺织业                     textile industry 131.0 106.1 93.1 96.7
缝纫业                     sewing 101.9 103.4 102.1 98.6
皮革、毛皮及其制品业           leather, furs, down and related products 122.8 98.0 100.8 99.7
木材加工及竹藤棕草制品业       timber processing, banboo,cane,
 palm,fiber and straw product
99.2 100.2 99.1 96.9
家具制造业                     furniture manufacturing 101.6 100.3 99.3 100.4
造纸及纸制品业                 papermaking and paper products 136.3 105.7 96.7 96.4
文教体育用品制造业             culture e ducational and sports goods 116.3 98.3 100.1 97.7
电力、蒸汽、热水生产和供应业   production and supply  of electric
 power,steam and hot water
115.5 95.2 99.4 97.6
石油加工业                     petroleum processing    101.6 138.4 94.4 99.1
炼焦、煤气及煤制品业           caring,gas and coal 122.6 101.2 100.0 98.2
化学工业                       chemical industy          124.6 101.1 99.5 99.7
医药工业                       medical industry         112.3 89.1 101.1 98.4
化学纤维工业                   building materical and others   132.4 111.7 82.4 97.0
橡胶制品工业                   ruber products 118.3 104.3 103.4 98.1
塑料制品业                     plastic product 135.0 98.2 96.6 94.9
建筑材料及其它非金属矿制品业   building material and other nonmetal
  minerals products
97.4 95.6 97.3 97.6
黑色金属冶炼及压延加工业       smelting and pressing of ferous metals 89.0 102.0 98.6 100.7
有色金属冶炼及压延加工业       smelting and pressing of nonferous metals 130.1 105.2 97.5 95.5
金属制品业                     metal products 106.4 96.0 98.5 99.6
机械工业                       machinery industry                       108.8 98.0 97.7 97.8
交通运输设备制造业             transport equipment 98.2 103.1 95.8 96.7
电气机械及器材制造业           electric equipment and machinery 112.7 95.1 96.3 96.4
电子及通讯设备制造业           electrolic and telecommunications
103.1 89.6 97.6 93.7
仪器仪表及其它计量器具制造业   instruments, meters and other instruments  110.5 98.1 98.0 99.2
工艺美术品制造业               craftwork and artwork 95.8 96.0 93.3 101.9