6-6  城市居民消费价格分类指数
citizen consumer price indices
以上年价格为100       (preceding year=100)
    item 1995 2000 2001 2002
居民消费价格指数 consumer price index 116.4 103.2 98.3 99.2
1、食品 food 122.2 98.2 96.9 99.2
      #粮食   grain 135.5 90.0 95.8 96.0
     干豆类及豆制品   starches and tubers 119.6 98.8 103.2 101.4
        油脂   bean and its products 107.3 99.9 99.5 97.9
        淀粉及薯类    oil or fat 106.8 94.8 92.9 97.7
     肉禽及其制品   meal,poultry and their products 119.0 96.2 98.4 97.6
          eggs 115.2 83.5 106.4 103.9
        水产品   aquatic products 113.8 103.3 94.0 97.3
          vegetables 134.0 107.8 95.8 107.9
         调味品   flavoring 122.2 97.6 95.6 101.6
       sugar 123.4 106.9 108.4 96.1
       茶及饮料   tea and drink 107.9 98.0 98.8 99.4
         干鲜瓜果   dride and fresh melons and fruits 124.0 101.8 95.5 103.2
         糕点饼干   cake 122.6 101.8 102.0 98.9
         奶及奶制品   milk and daily products 129.6 99.9 97.0 98.3
         在外用膳食品   dining out 127.2 97.4 98.8 97.2
         其他食品及加工服务费    others 112.9 100.8 96.0 97.4
2、烟酒及用品 tobacco and articles 100.3 99.2 101.9 100.9
3、衣着 clothing 118.6 97.9 93.7 96.8
      #服装   garments 120.5 97.4 93.3 96.6
          衣着材料   clothing material 110.4 99.2 99.9 97.9
          鞋袜帽   footgear and hats 115.4 98.7 93.8 97.0
          衣着加工服务费   tailoring and laundering service fees 125.5 100.5 99.5 98.5
4、家庭设备用品及维修服务费 household facilities,articles and services 108.5 99.9 97.6 97.6
      #耐用消费品   durable consumer goods 102.8 98.7 96.9 96.3
          室内装饰品   room decorate 103.6 99.9 100.1 100.5
          床上用品   bed using 114.3 98.2 97.9 96.2
          家庭日用杂品   daily use household articles 114.6 98.1 98.9 98.4
5、医疗保健和个人用品 health cares 112.4 107.2 101.4 98.3
6、交通和通讯 transportation and communication 102.0 97.8 97.9 97.9
      #交通   transportation 105.8 99.5 98.4 98.2
          通信   communication 98.6 96.2 97.6 97.8
7、娱乐教育文化用品及服务 recreation,education and culture articles 113.4 126.8 100.9 103.7
      #文娱用耐用消费品及服务   durable consumer goods for recreation use 99.8 92.7 93.1 93.4
          教育   education 129.4 187.4 105.1 111.8
          文化娱乐用品   cultural and recreation articles 116.5 100.9 100.1 100.8
8、居住 residence 107.5 106.0 100.4 98.9
      #建房及装修材料   building materials 101.3 99.0 99.4 98.5
          水、电、燃料   water,electricity ,fuels 109.4 108.3 100.3 100.7