5-20  按收入高低五等分分组农民家庭基本情况(2002年)  
basic indicators of five groups divided equally by income lever ,2002  
单位:元           (yuan)
    item 总 计    
低收入户 中低收入户 中等收入户 中高收入户  高收入户
total low income households lower middle income households middle income households upper middle income households high income households
平均每户常住人口(人) average number of permanent residents per household(person) 4.07 4.59 4.42 4.05 3.97 3.30
平均每户整半劳动力(人) average number of able-bodied and semi-able-bodied laborers per household(person) 2.57 2.65 2.72 2.54 2.57 2.36
平均每一劳动力负担人口(人) average number of persons supported by a laborer(person) 1.58 1.74 1.63 1.59 1.54 1.40
平均每户生产性固定资产原值 average original value of productiv fixed assets per household(yuan) 4615.74 5032.73 3089.12 4176.04 3454.52 7320.33
平均每人家庭纯收入 per capita net income 3538.74 1372.24 2343.13 3139.88 4184.38 7853.60
平均每人生活消费支出 per capita living expenditure 2583.16 1601.51 1881.18 2430.36 3027.06 4535.18
  食品消费支出   food expenditure 1184.59 816.88 987.86 1177.15 1353.24 1763.58
  衣着消费   clothing expenditure 132.36 81.94 106.56 130.73 156.78 209.37
  居住消费   residence expenditure 370.11 168.15 198.2 323.04 438.87 854.56
  家庭设备、用品及服务   household,facilities,articles and services 139.77 72.47 86.39 123.75 150.55 311.02
  医疗保健   medicines and health care 118.71 92.81 81.56 93.04 160.31 185.75
  交通通讯消费   transport and communication 251.91 124.34 154.63 206.39 323.57 528.48
  文教娱乐用品及服务   cultural,educational and recreational articles and services 272.58 179.74 200 264.49 312.82 459.65
  其他商品和服务消费   other commodities and services 113.14 65.18 65.99 111.78 130.93 222.77