5-11  城镇单位各行业在岗职工平均工资(2002年)
average wage of staff and workers on the job in urban units by sector ,2002
单位:元          (yuan)
行业 sector         
 国有单位  集体单位 其他单位
total stated collective
-owned -owned 
                           total 13306 15026 10119 11987
农林牧渔业                     farming,forestry,animal husbandry and fishery   7548 11539 6176 9241
采掘业                         mining and quarrying     9164 9195 6936 9231
制造业                         manufacturing  11396 13142 8693 11431
电力、煤气及水的生产和供应业   production and supply of electricity gas and water  18340 18233 12869 19195
建筑业                         construction                         12081 13764 10967 11636
地质勘查业、水利管理业         geological prospecting and water conservancy   12560 12692 7508 12353
交通运输、仓储及邮电通信业     transport,storage,post and telecommunication services     19409 19084 8936 24876
批发和零售贸易、餐饮业         wholesale and retail trade and catering services         11630 13388 6936 12283
金融、保险业                   finance and insurance   21829 23423 15411 22245
房地产业                       real estate    15823 16643 14500 15484
社会服务业                     social services  12522 12886 9856 12850
卫生、体育和社会福利业         health care,sports and social welfare  16173 17158 12821 27460
教育、文化艺术和广播电影电视业 education,culture and arts,radio,film and television 14541 14533 12235 16394
科学研究和综合技术服务业       scientific research and polytechnic services       19266 19435 12339 18158
国家机关、政党机关和社会团体   government agencies,party agencies and social organizations 15277 15315 8720  
其他行业                       others                       15818 15328 12978 23725