5-9  °´µÇ¼Ç×¢²áÀàÐÍ·Ö³ÇÕòµ¥Î»Ö°¹¤Æ½¾ù¹¤×Ê 
average wage of staff and workers in urban units by types of registration
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¹ú  ÓР µ¥  λ ¼¯  Ìå  µ¥  λ Æä  Ëû  µ¥  λ
year total state-owned units collective-owned units other
¡¡ ¡¡ ¡¡ ¡¡ ¡¡
1978 567 594 500         
1980 703 737 613 ¡¡
1985 1059 1115 912 1855
1990 2162 2288 1704 2674
1995 5857 5790 4481 7305
1996 6683 6608 5078 8076
1997 7559 7621 5582 8636
1998 8531 8682 6662 8999
1999 9490 9867 7320 9587
2000 10584 11170 8140 10422
2001 12013 13313 9098 11028
2002 13306 15026 10119 11987
¡¡ ¡¡ ¡¡ ¡¡ ¡¡
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note:the statistic scope from 1998 in this table refers to average wages of staff and workers on the job.before 1998, the statistic scope of state-owned units refers to state-owned economic units, collective-owned units refers to collective economic units, others refer to the various other economic types.