5-6  各行业城镇单位在岗职工工资总额(2002年) 
total wages of staff and workers on the job in urban units by sector ,2002
单位:万元   10000 yuan
total state-owned
owned units
按行业分 by sector 4092316 2247221 264057 1581038
  农林牧渔业                       farming,forestry,animal
   husbandry and fishery  
54047 49676 394 3977
  采掘业                           mining and quarrying     39452 31918 497 7037
  制造业                           manufacturing  1458028 132279 68992 1256757
  production and supply of
   electricity gas and water 
136348 103576 1816 30956
  建筑业                           construction                         249075 90654 79398 79023
  地质勘查业、水利管理业           geological prospecting and
   water conservancy  
15248 14975 231 42
  交通运输、仓储及邮电通信业       transport,storage,post and
   telecommunication services    
251702 185346 8209 58147
  批发和零售贸易、餐饮业           wholesale and retail trade
   and catering services        
174569 102590 23697 48282
  金融、保险业                     finance and insurance   191019 145270 24687 21062
  房地产业                         real estate    45279 17179 3345 24755
  社会服务业                       social services  133056 86412 12277 34367
  卫生、体育和社会福利业           health care,sports and
   social welfare 
178632 142773 34096 1763
  教育、文化艺术和广播电影电视业   education,culture and arts,
   radio,film and television
645972 639853 1109 5010
  科学研究和综合技术服务业         scientific research and
   polytechnic services      
54012 49935 371 3706
  国家机关、政党机关和社会团体     government agencies,party
   agencies and social organizations
418139 417053 1086  
  其他行业                         others                       47738 37732 3852 6154
按三次产业分 by type of industry  
  第一产业                       primary industry   32836 28762 343 3731
  第二产业                       secondary industry     1882765 358427 150703 1373635
  第三产业                       tertiary industry      2176715 1860032 113011 203672