5-3  主要年份城镇单位分行业职工工资总额  
total wages of staff and workers in urban units by sector in selected years
单位:万元   10000 yuan
                           sector 1995 2000 2001 2002
    total 1966362 3346232 3762325 4092316
农林牧渔业 farming,forestry,animal husbandry and fishery   40843 52380 50792 54047
  采掘业 mining and quarrying     47032 41380 39507 39452
  制造业                         manufacturing  788834 1221621 1305992 1457890
  电力、煤气及水的生产和供应业   production and supply of electricity gas and water  54008 102798 120203 136347
  建筑业                         construction                         183136 224568 243002 249075
  地质勘查业、水利管理业         grospecting and water conservancy   12093 12190 14110 15248
  交通运输、仓储及邮电通信业     transport,storage,post and
 telecommunication services    
132174 214870 242394 251702
 telecommunication services    
  批发和零售贸易、餐饮业         wholesale and retail trade and catering services         143300 171817 178300 174569
  金融、保险业                   finance and insurance   59571 135877 181669 191019
  房地产业                       real estate    13549 36699 41698 45279
  社会服务业                     social services  58197 106908 122880 133056
  卫生、体育和社会福利业         health care,sports and social welfare  58812 127003 162676 178632
  教育、文化艺术和广播电影电视业 education,culture and arts,radio, 204164 490326 583619 645972
 film and television
  科学研究和综合技术服务业       scientific research and polytechnic services       14919 39301 50857 54012
  国家机关、政党机关和社会团体   government agencies,party agencies 147369 332780 388007 418278
 and social organizations
  其他行业                       others                       8361 35714 36619 47738
note:the statistic scope of total wages of staff and workers in this table from 1998 refers to total wages of staff and workers on the job.