4-34  农村固定资产投资
investment in fixed assets in rural areas
单位:万元       (10000 yuan)
               item 1995 2000 2001 2002
               total  1299849 2192646 2043827 2200000
#住               residental buildings 709096 705835 551609 827283
按经济类型分       by type of ownership           
  集体经济           collective owned 432601 1321716 1237514 1380000
  农民家庭           rural households 867248 870930 806313 820000
按用途分           by use of  funds           
  农业   farming,forestry,animal  husbandry 119088 100415 155235 141019
     and fishery
  采掘业   mining and quarrying 188989 9841 20310 4822
  制造业   manufacturing 250440 427520 526072
  电力煤气及水的生产和供应业   production and supply of electric 37807 168637 116810
     power, gas and water
  建筑业   construction 16863 1394456 418902 129438
  地质堪探业水利管理业   geological prospecting and water 560   52779 5509
  交通运输仓储及邮电通信业   transport, storage, post and 97058 126803 132460 169945
     telecommunications services
  批发零售贸易业.餐饮业    wholesale and retail trade and catering services         22014 6010 15807 34212
  金融保险业    finance and insurance   4351   2463 2382
  房地产业    real estate    6929   50616 164677
  社会服务业    social services  7697 53354 141135 81122
  卫生体育和社会福利业    health care,sports and social welfare  5053 38198 26878 41250
  教育文化艺术及广播电影电视业    education,culture and arts,radio, 26060 51726 60925 80263
      film and television
  科学研究和综合技术服务业    scientific research and polytechnic services       684   25 492
  国家机关政党机关社会团体    government agencies,party agencies 18483   62045 26554
     and social organizations
  其他行业    others                       76924 123596 308090 675433
note:a)collective investment in rural areas from 1999 to 2002 refers to non farmers' investment. b)investment of various sectors in 1990 and 1995 excludes investment in houses.