4-32  城镇集体经济单位固定资产投资
investment in fixed assets of urban collective-owned units
单位:万元         (10000 yuan)
                             item 1995 2000 2001 2002
计划总投资                       total planned investment      126643 265623 238823 206482
完成投资                         completed investment   67685 156829 123964 103610
按构成分                         by use of funds            
#建筑安装                       construction and installation         45664 106315 73102 62043
  设备、工器具购置               purchase of equipment and
17050 40617 36433 29833
按性质分                         by type of construction                
#新                           new construction               21746 91871 52261 50383
  扩建、改建                     expansion and reconstruction  33418 55973 62169 41404
按行业分                         by sector            
  农林牧渔业                       farming,forestry,animal husbandry
   and fishery     
5597 5967 3784 4558
  采掘业                           mining and quarrying  220 2540 314 65
  制造业                           manufacturing          32034 49683 54844 46761
  电力、煤气及水的生产和供应业     production and supply of electricity
   gas and water  
4077 10368 11080 7192
  建筑业                           construction                         1416 18614 6016 2045
 地质勘查业、水利管理业           geological prospecting and water
202 40 306 108
 交通运输、仓储及邮电通信业       transport,storage,post and
   telecommunication services    
2090 9196 13778 3903
 批发和零售贸易、餐饮业           wholesale and retail trade
   and catering services        
7110 21174 7599 6630
 金融、保险业                     finance and insurance   934 1362 2585 2221
 房地产业                         real estate    1804 150 93 1038
 社会服务业                       social services  1094 22285 12507 10442
 卫生、体育和社会福利业           health care,sports and social welfare  4802 6383 957 396
 教育、文化艺术和广播电影电视业   education,culture and arts,radio,film
   and television
315 2519 780 9075
 科学研究和综合技术服务业         scientific research and polytechnic
2100 440   50
 国家机关、政党机关和社会团体     government agencies,party agencies
   and social organizations
3381 5830 7414 5382
 其他行业                         others                       509 278 1907 3744
 新增固定资产                       newly increased fixed assets         51017 117722 96872 77239
 房屋建筑面积(万平方米)   floor space of buildings                  
   施工面积   floor space under construction  92.60 113.05 118.77 72.93
   #住      residential buildings    29.42 30.26 39.97 23.58
   竣工面积   floor space completed      45.01 62.96 55.16 31.72
   #住      residential buildings  16.62 19.76 20.12 5.77
note: data in this table exclude investment in real estate development.