4-29  城乡集体和个人固定资产投资(1985-2002)
collective and individual investment in fixed assets in urban
and rural areas,1985-2002
单位:万元       (10000 yuan)
collective individual 
year urban areas  rural areas  urban areas  rural areas 
1985 24561 64302 23142 68421
1986 22613 41823 23137 116530
1987 28511 69025 35804 158640
1988 34639 80486 64743 208256
1989 33809 79216 51459 214399
1990 30418 91243 67974 248963
1991 38140 117801 60150 283449
1992 63263 164470 158589 343394
1993 69165 318433 277464 479962
1994 76354 348267 374592 663753
1995 67685 432601 447009 867248
1996 110917 602500 504183 930900
1997 100465 726600 531057 1041400
1998 122253 856200 626212 1072642
1999 146524 1058344 247107 877825
2000 156829 1321716 259449 870930
2001 123964 1237514 196456 806313
2002 103610 1380000 172754 820000
notes:a)collective investment in urban areas excludes investment in real estate. b)collective investment in rural areas from 1999 to 2002 refers to non farmers'investment.(the sam as the following)