4-21  按构成和性质分更新改造投资(1990-2002)
investment in innovation by uses of funds and type of construction,1990-2002
单位:万元       (10000 yuan)
年份 按构成分 按性质分
by use of funds by type of construction
#建筑安装 #设备工 # 新建    #扩、改建
year construction and installation purchase of equipment and instruments new construction expansion and reconstruction
1990 67062 90169 11377 148706
1991 72419 110735 12309 179166
1992 107124 164297 16857 265970
1993 174371 276776 26954 428747
1994 248806 378654 96682 530850
1995 302811 454100 96004 627257
1996 382827 483798 136958 750701
1997 448156 849854 178752 1146385
1998 551832 1035860 194912 1400492
1999 513965 1143952 242045 1357420
2000 492699 1196566 238993 1359747
2001 560499 1239813 275947 1442379
2002 578916 1266240 224354 1404141