4-20  主要行业更新改造投资
investment in innovation of main sectors in selected sector
单位:万元              (10000 yuan)
        科教文 占更新改造投资(%)
年份   能源工业       能源工业   科教文卫
      邮电业 卫事业     邮电业    
year farming energy transporcation, posts and telecommunications education,science, culture and public health farming energy transporcation, posts and telecommunications education, science, culture and public health
1980 141 2461 768 121 0.6 10.8 3.4 0.5
1985 297 4259 10825 662 0.3 5.0 12.7 0.8
1986 937 4465 11160 924 0.9 4.2 10.6 0.9
1987 1436 7366 9707 1092 1.2 6.1 8.0 0.9
1988 1420 7938 14364 989 0.9 5.3 9.5 0.7
1989 1689 7967 24464 2982 1.1 5.2 15.9 1.9
1990 1145 12343 26852 1079 0.7 7.5 16.2 0.7
1991 1104 18191 30558 1627 0.6 9.1 15.3 0.8
1992 1060 28500 69491 1334 0.4 9.7 23.6 0.5
1993 3869 51915 143436 3415 0.8 10.8 29.9 0.7
1994 155 72421 220703 1854          10.7 33.1 0.3
1995 437 115203 266898 2065 0.1 14.3 33.2 0.3
1996 2243 128242 319614 2077 0.2 13.9 34.5 0.2
1997 2305 167406 682904 917 0.2 12.2 49.7 0.1
1998 2659 189191 820512 4645 0.2 11.2 48.7 0.3
1999 2783 172297 850752 14137 0.2 10.0 49.3 0.8
2000 4045 212060 852269 10578 0.2 12.1 48.6 0.6
2001 741 64854 1062078 15407   3.4 56.2 0.8
2002 3630 154398 798375 22332 0.2 7.9 41.0 1.1