4-19  分行业更新改造投资
investment in innovation by sector
单位:万元       (10000 yuan)
                           sector          1995 2000 2001 2002
    total                      804730 1754188 1889862 1944944
#国有经济                     state-ownd  644308 1048744 935553 938202
农林牧渔业                     farming,forestry,animal husbandry and fishery   437 4045 741 3630
采掘业                         mining and quarrying     6960 17059 28055 31117
制造业                         manufacturing  378731 634466 685528 899949
电力、煤气及水的生产和供应业   production and supply of electricity gas and water  122457 200865 52292 125019
建筑业                         construction                         5577 3207 10009 5394
地质勘查业、水利管理业         geological prospecting and water conservancy   1321 1482 9438 7173
交通运输、仓储及邮电通信业     transport,storage,post and telecommunication services     268078 852444 1063132 801234
批发和零售贸易、餐饮业         wholesale and retail trade and catering services         6112 4554 5583 3075
金融、保险业                   finance and insurance   1368  
房地产业                       real estate               150
社会服务业                     social services  7152 12376 13379 32322
卫生、体育和社会福利业         health care,sports and social welfare  280 1997 4181 1038
教育、文化艺术和广播电影电视业 education,culture and arts,radio,film and television 1228 6410 10254 20145
科学研究和综合技术服务业       scientific research and polytechnic services       557 2171 972 1149
国家机关、政党机关和社会团体   government agencies,party agencies and social organizations 4472 11308 6043 9709
其他行业                       others                                1804 255 3840
按三次产业分 by type of industry           
  第一产业                     primary industry   1699 4045 551 3137
  第二产业                     secondary industry     511163 844501 771186 1056697
  第三产业                     tertiary industry      283269 891825 1112450 879459
                           address                      8599 13817 5675 5651