4-4  按构成 用途分固定资产投资额及房屋建筑面积
total investment in fixed assets and floor space
 of building by type of construction and uses
     item 1995 2000 2001 2002
一、全社会固定资产投资  (亿元) total investment in fixed assets 
 (100 million yuan)
681.17 1082.47 1134.48 1230.76
  按构成分             by use of funds                
    建筑安装工程         construction and installation   487.45 668.74 668.24 743.85
    设备工具器具购置     purchase of equipment and instruments 119.14 288.75 322.80 313.08
    其他费用             others           74.58 124.98 143.44 173.83
  按工程用途分         by use of investment               
    第一产业             primary industry     16.04 18.76 24.68 25.50
    第二产业             secondary industry    188.00 403.29 373.55 413.92
    第三产业             tertiary industry    257.32 420.78 500.48 518.65
                     residential buildings    219.81 239.64 235.77 272.69
二、房屋建筑面积  (万平方米) floor space of buildings
 (10000 sa.meter)
    施工面积             floor space under consenction     7589.31 10118.93 8612.41 9765.07
    #住               residential buildings         5127.41 6191.93 5124.27 5816.69
    竣工面积             floor space completed       4840.15 4806.13 4253.10 4496.92
    #住               residential buildings     3685.20 3432.91 2775.24 3014.69