2-10  国内生产总值项目结构(2002年)
structure of gross domestic product (2002)
单位:亿元              (100 million yuan)
增加值 劳动者 生产税 固定资产  
value-added compensation of employees nex taxes on production depreciation of fixed assets operating surplus
国内生产总值 gross domestic product 4682.01 2271.68 458.86 638.34 1313.13
  第一产业                 primary industry 664.78 568.26 19.98 17.07 59.47
  第二产业                 secondary industry  2159.94 842.84 277.14 304.83 735.13
                         industry  1882.55 666.62 245.04 281.53 689.36
    建筑业                   construction 277.39 176.22 32.10 23.30 45.77
  第三产业                 tertiary industy 1857.29 860.58 161.74 316.44 518.53
    农林牧渔服务业                     services for farming,forestry,
     animal husbandry and fishery
7.65 5.53 0.41 0.75 0.96
    地质勘查、水利管理业               geological prospecting and water
7.38 5.20 0.22 1.45 0.51
    交通运输、仓储、邮电通讯业         transport,storage,post and
     telecommunication services
491.00 193.80 43.88 114.61 138.71
      交通运输和仓储业       transport and storage 400.66 180.58 37.85 70.76 111.47
      邮电通信业       post and telecommunications 90.34 13.22 6.03 43.85 27.24
    wholesale and retail trade and
      catering services
444.20 201.39 56.68 34.16 151.97
      批发和零售贸易业       wholesale and retail trade 410.74 183.76 52.68 31.30 143.00
      餐饮业       catering services 33.46 17.63 4.00 2.86 8.97
    金融保险业     finance and insurance 227.94 57.20 26.69 18.41 125.64
      金融业       finance 185.73 53.40 24.87 17.58 89.88
      保险业       insurance 18.09 3.80 1.82 0.83 11.64
              other 24.12   24.12
    房地产业     real estate 142.17 17.03 12.59 81.43 31.12
      房地产管理业       real estate management 14.10 2.85 1.21 1.10 8.94
      房地产开发与经营业       real estate development and
51.75 14.18 11.38 4.01 22.18
      城镇居民自有住房       residential buildings in cities 25.84   25.84  
      农村居民自有住房       buildings in rural areas 50.48   50.48  
    社会服务业                         social servcices 200.81 116.08 15.99 23.03 45.71
    卫生、体育、社会福利事业           health care,sports and social
52.58 38.22 0.76 5.39 8.21
    教育、文艺、广播电影、电视事业     education,culture and arts,radio,
     film and television
131.54 105.98 1.99 16.48 7.09
    科学研究和综合技术服务事业         scientific research and
     polytechnic services
15.35 10.18 0.73 2.14 2.30
    国家机关政党机关和社会团体     govenmentagencies,partiesa-
     gencies and social organizations
126.16 101.85 1.32 17.62 5.37
                               others 10.51 8.12 0.48 0.97 0.94