2-9  国内生产总值项目结构
structure of gross domestic product
单位:亿元         (100 millon yuan)
      item 1995 2000 2001 2002
劳动者报酬                 compensation of employees 1122.13 1884.85 2037.91 2271.68
  第一产业                   primary industry 404.75 550.52 561.94 568.26
  第二产业                   secondary industry 415.67 674.16 712.30 842.84
  #工业                       industry 319.89 528.43 566.37 666.62
  第三产业                   tertiary industy 301.71 660.17 763.67 860.58
  #交通运输仓储邮电通讯业     transport,storage,post and
     telecommunication services
60.60 167.31 182.83 193.80
    批发零售贸易餐饮业         wholesale,retail trade and
     catering services
85.42 166.69 183.53 201.39
生产税净额                 nex taxes on production 216.73 391.12 413.22 458.86
  第一产业                   primary industry 14.06 20.10 19.25 19.98
  第二产业                   secondary industry 155.88 224.91 236.97 277.14
  #工业                       industry 140.57 191.62 200.20 245.04
  第三产业                   tertiary industy 46.79 146.11 157.00 161.74
  #交通运输仓储邮电通讯业     transport,storage,post and
     telecommunication services
16.08 38.11 41.56 43.88
    批发零售贸易餐饮业         wholesale,retail trade and
     catering services
9.86 60.73 66.49 56.68
固定资产折旧               depreciation of fixed assets 233.50 496.00 560.82 638.34
  第一产业                   primary industry 10.53 18.07 19.56 17.07
  第二产业                   secondary industry 111.36 213.63 255.42 304.83
  #工业                       industry 101.33 191.28 230.99 281.53
  第三产业                   tertiary industy 111.61 264.30 285.84 316.44
  #交通运输仓储邮电通讯业     transport,storage,post and
     telecommunication services
33.17 92.42 99.51 114.61
    批发零售贸易餐饮业         wholesale,retail trade and
     catering services
12.65 29.65 31.46 34.16
营业盈余                   operating surplus 573.56 1148.10 1241.73 1313.13
  第一产业                   primary industry 35.48 51.88 50.36 59.47
  第二产业                   secondary industry 227.65 598.46 699.52 735.13
  #工业                     industry 202.85 558.74 647.78 689.36
  第三产业                   tertiary industy 310.43 497.76 491.85 518.53
  #交通运输仓储邮电通讯业     transport,storage,post and
     telecommunication services
77.68 146.29 144.59 138.71
    批发零售贸易餐饮业         wholesale,retail trade and
     catering services
93.49 127.10 130.03 151.97