1-10  闽东南地区主要经济指标及占全省的比重
main economic indicators and porportions of southeast fujian
    item 合计   占全省比重(%)
total percentage to province
2001 2002 2001 2002
1.国内生产总值(亿元) gross domestic product100 million yuan 3501.68 3798.71 78.1 78.5
    第一产业   primary industry             393.21 398.48 60.4 59.9
    第二产业   secondary industry             1714.20 1875.14 82.2 82.9
    第三产业   tertiary industry               1394.27 1525.10 79.8 79.7
  地方财政收入(亿元) revenue of local government100 million yuan         198.92 190.87 81.3 80.4
  地方财政支出(亿元) expenditures of local government100 million yuan             205.19 223.45 74.3 74.1
2.年末总人口(万人) population at the year-end10000 person 2138.07 2148.12 64.4 64.5
3.城镇以上固定资产投资 state-owned investment of fixed assets   483.04   77.4
        (亿元)   100 million yuan    
  基本建设(亿元) capital construction100 million yuan             222.87 228.14 78.4 74.6
  更新改造(亿元) technical updates and transformation yuan          108.61 123.98 69.2 70.1
    100 million yuan     
4.农林牧渔业总产值(亿元) gross output value of farmingforesty 655.93 666.03 61.8 61.2
   animal husbandry and fishery100 million yuan    
        agriculture            244.74 248.27 56.5 55.9
        forestry            18.51 18.13 22.5 21.5
        animal hushandry             132.22 134.56 61.4 60.4
        fishery            260.46 265.07 78.8 78.5
  主要农产品产量 output of major garming produces          
      食(万吨)   grain10000 tons             397.02 353.72 47.7 45.8
      料(万吨)   oil-beaning crops10000 tons             18.99 18.46 72.8 71.4
      蔗(万吨)   sugar cane10000 tons             71.61 90.00 74.9 76.3
      果(万吨)   fruit10000 tons             261.06 268.65 65.1 63.2
      类(万吨)   meat 10000 tons            92.39 94.35 60.0 58.2
    水产品(万吨)   aquatic products10000 tons             451.10 464.87 83.2 83.2
5.规模以上工业总产值(亿元) gross output value of industrial enterprises  2490.52 3137.91 84.6 85.4
    designated size (100 million yuan)    
    轻工业  light industy 1345.93 1663.87 89.4 89.6
    重工业    heavy industry  1144.59 1474.04 79.5 81.0
6.社会消费品零售总额(亿元) total retail sale of consumer goods100 million yuan     1189.84 1323.02 79.4 79.5
7.实际利用外商直接投资 actually used foreign direct investment  
      (旧口径)(亿美元)   (old scope) (usd 100 million) 35.77 38.70 91.3 91.1
      (新口径)(亿美元)   (new scope) (usd 100 million)   34.95   90.2
  接待海外旅游人数(万人次) foreign tonrists10000 person         145.22 165.63 88.8 89.6
note:southeast fujian include five cities as fuzhou, xiamen, putian, quanzhou, and zhangzhou. population in this table is derived from the datum of household registration.