1-3  国民经济主要指标发展速度  
national economy main index developing rapid  
2002年为以下各年%       (2002 as percentage of the following)
        item 1952 1978 1985 1990 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
1.国民生产总值 gross national product                     8613.7 1902.7 815.3 509.1 211.6 184.6 161.1 145.1 132.0 120.4 110.5
    国内生产总值 gross domestic product 8332.9 1846.8 795.5 500.2 210.4 184.7 161.2 145.1 131.9 120.5 110.5
    第一产业   primary industry  931.5 494.2 294.1 227.8 144.4 132.8 122.9 115.2 109.0 106.3 102.7
    第二产业   secondary industry                     42391.5 3511.8 1428.2 810.0 237.5 206.7 177.3 157.1 140.7 126.5 114.2
    第三产业   tertiary industry                      16294.5 2333.8 738.0 450.7 214.3 185.5 160.8 144.8 131.9 119.7 109.5
  人均国内生产总值 per capita gdp 2976.9 1297.1 623.6 427.2 191.8 170.7 150.6 136.6 125.0 117.4 109.6
  财政总收入 total budgetary revenue   112.0
  地方财政收入 revenue of local government                 112.2
  地方财政支出 expenditures of local government                 106.5
  金融系统存款年末余额 deposits of monetary            348612.3 16389.5 4236.5 1183.2 291.5 227.0 194.0 166.3 145.4 136.6 117.7
  金融系统贷款年末余额 loars of monetary institutions at the end of year             1151870.4 9895.2 2385.7 814.7 262.5 216.7 177.7 160.1 137.9 127.5 108.6
  银行现金收入 cash receipts of banking system                     285874.6 48076.7 10712.0 3064.1 481.7 344.4 195.1 157.7 134.3 114.9 95.2
  银行现金支出 cash expenditure of banking system                    276870.5 47773.7 10599.2 3172.4 481.7 344.4 195.3 157.6 133.5 114.9 95.2
2.年末总人口 population at the end year                       272.9 141.7 125.2 114.1 107.1 106.3 105.6 105.1 104.5 101.6 100.8
3.社会从业人员 employee                     361.3 185.1 148.5 126.9 109.2 107.3 106.1 105.5 104.9 103.1 102.0
  #职工 staff and workers                         1622.9 153.3 115.0 101.4 91.6 89.8 88.1 94.3 98.4 99.2 100.3
    城镇个私劳动者   individual households &employment in urloan areas                   339.2 5922.9 808.1 440.5 168.6 162.4 167.5 141.7 126.4 123.5 112.6
4.全社会固定资产投资 total investment in fixed assets               198509.7 9219.2 2212.8 1066.4 180.7 155.8 137.0 117.4 118.3 113.7 108.5
  #国有经济   state-owned                       135500.0 5789.3 1351.3 721.5 163.5 155.1 136.0 116.7 111.3 114.9 103.5
    集体经济   collective-owned                       42575.0 2301.4 574.7 419.8 83.6 60.7 54.2 45.1 80.4 117.2 107.2
    个人投资   individuals                       119323.1 6280.2 1693.4 489.5 117.2 106.8 97.3 85.3 97.3 96.5 98.3
  #基本建设   innovation investment                       110413.5 5836.1 1526.6 1070.0 190.9 169.4 149.0 118.9 112.3 122.1 112.2
    更新改造   technical updates and transformation investment                         11716.3 2290.8 1173.7 241.7 210.2 141.6 115.5 112.7 110.9 102.9
    房地产   real estate investment                           1848.5 164.5 164.1 167.9 150.3 139.4 120.1 110.4
5.物价指数(以上年价格为100)   price indices(preceding year=100)                                                                                          
  居民消费价格指数 commodities price index                527.7 448.6 339.1 194.8 106.7 100.8 99.1 99.4 100.3 98.2 99.5
  #服务项目价格指数 farm and sideline products price index               1149.5 842.7 475.0 229.9 211.9 178.0 169.1 137.0 105.5 102.7
6.人民生活   peoole's livelihood                          
  职工工资总额 total wages of staff and workers                     56837.5 3663.7 1463.6 624.3 208.1 180.8 155.4 145.1 135.7 122.3 108.8
  职工平均工资 average wage of staff and workers                     3456.1 2346.7 1256.5 615.4 227.2 199.1 176.0 156.0 140.2 125.7 110.8
  城镇居民人均可支配收入 use income of urban residents           8668.9 2476.8 1253.6 525.4 189.3 164.9 149.6 141.7 134.0 123.6 110.5
  农民人均纯收入 net income of peasants                  5055.7 2564.5 893.7 463.2 172.7 142.0 127.0 120.1 114.5 109.6 104.7
  居民储蓄存款年末余额 deposits of residents at the year-end             759518.8 37049.7 5107.1 1326.2 305.8 219.7 183.5 155.3 139.8 137.5 119.7
7.农林牧渔业总产值 gross output value of farming,forestry,ammal  1256.2 578.1 348.4 262.3 155.7 140.7 125.3 118.1 111.0 107.6 103.5
   husbandry and fishery    
  主要农产品产量 output of major farm products                    
          grain                       205.2 102.5 96.1 86.8 83.0 80.2 79.4 79.7 81.0 89.3 93.4
          oil-beaning crops                      261.5 187.4 148.7 146.4 111.1 112.5 106.2 105.0 100.2 100.3 99.2
          suger cane                       165.5 40.9 22.0 34.2 47.4 46.4 47.2 53.8 85.0 142.6 123.4
          flue-cured                       10720.0 871.5 315.3 251.6 187.4 141.8 87.0 149.3 125.1 117.3 108.6
    黄 红 麻   jute and ambary hemp                       3.1 1.6 2.6 13.3 30.8 50.0 30.8 50.0 66.7 80.0 100.0
          tea                       2924.5 705.9 353.8 246.2 151.6 140.8 130.4 120.5 116.0 113.7 107.0
          fruits                       7070.4 4207.2 1444.8 560.7 177.5 149.7 127.1 123.9 107.8 119.2 105.9
    猪牛羊肉   pork,beef and mutton                      65500.0 539.8 296.5 212.5 159.7 150.5 128.2 118.5 115.7 110.8 105.0
    造林面积   area of forest                       50.9 9.0 6.2 5.8 41.9 50.8 58.3 69.6 73.1 71.4 83.2
    水 产 品   aquatic products                       3507.3 1026.3 557.3 383.8 175.9 156.0 130.1 117.4 111.2 105.8 103.0
    食 用 菌   edible fungus   253.9 121.1 120.9 130.7 127.3 113.4 100.1 105.7
8.工业总产值 output value of industry                       93381.0 7416.3 2923.5 1188.6 290.8 240.6 199.2 173.0 151.4 132.7 117.6
  主要工业品产量 output of major industrial products                                                        
          coal                      214836.7 152.3 106.3 69.6 56.8 55.2 83.1 88.6 111.7 171.9 125.8
          salt                       323.5 36.2 48.3 50.9 47.4 45.4 113.8 68.0 82.5 120.7 109.6
          timber                       262.6 54.5 36.3 44.1 36.8 41.4 42.8 44.6 47.0 78.9 82.0
      sugar                         107.9 17.9 10.8 15.8 29.7 31.0 29.6 30.7 27.6 84.6 143.6
          canned food                        832.2 256.0 236.8 74.8 69.5 76.2 115.0 92.5 127.4 132.0
          cigarettes                      11269.9 514.5 226.5 137.2 128.8 132.0 128.7 121.7 123.1 106.3 103.4
      cloth                            7236.4 710.7 516.9 352.2 206.2 221.1 101.5 109.3 97.3 142.4 108.4
      yarm                             1246.2 530.8 418.4 283.8 299.3 198.2 211.3 168.5 159.7 140.3
          dress                       2857.9 288.2 180.9 30.0 23.7 98.1 129.2 80.3 61.7
    机制纸及纸板   machine-made paper and paperboards                   112400.0 615.7 335.6 237.4 118.5 130.1 137.5 171.6 123.1 145.3 120.1
    农用化肥   chemical fertilizer                          370.1 184.6 139.1 118.9 107.1 110.9 95.6 99.2 98.9 108.7
          caustic soda                         432.6 291.6 214.8 157.5 144.9 149.5 145.0 131.3 119.5 113.5
          cement                         1410.3 584.4 314.5 112.4 112.9 111.6 106.5 93.0 112.2 111.4
    平板玻璃   plate glass                         1165.7 482.5 769.2 168.0 170.5 108.6 97.7 106.5 105.9 114.8
          pig iron                         679.0 474.9 288.2 215.8 178.4 144.4 127.2 112.8 120.8 104.8
      steel                              1311.8 667.7 410.3 382.0 263.4 237.3 187.1 164.4 169.7 136.5
        rolled-steel                         2663.8 1398.7 654.1 403.1 317.4 248.0 172.7 148.6 129.7 110.4
    电视机   television                           132504.8 472.0 205.3 186.5 267.0 175.1 168.3 136.0 101.0 139.3
    发电量   eectricity                         444233.3 1310.1 690.5 390.1 203.8 187.6 171.9 165.2 149.7 132.0 119.4
9.交通邮电 transport, post and telecommunication             
  货运量 treight traffic                           20408.3 654.9 239.1 156.7 110.1 104.1 104.4 106.1 111.2 108.0 104.2
  货物周转量 freight ton-kilometers                       57461.1 1117.7 510.9 303.4 136.0 140.1 136.6 125.1 110.8 120.3 106.1
  客运量 passenger traffic                           19575.3 619.8 144.6 124.4 122.6 114.4 112.5 116.9 118.6 111.2 103.7
  旅客周转量 passenger-kilometers                       22790.7 1097.1 300.8 223.5 158.3 146.7 154.8 140.1 130.0 117.4 105.2
  主要港口货物吞吐量 volume of freight handled at major ports               17996.9 2499.4 915.6 681.6 294.7 257.7 227.4 225.8 193.0 146.9 123.2
  邮电业务总量 business volume of post and telecommunication services   132.4
10.社会消费品零售总额 total retail sales of consumer goods              30023.6 5442.8 1731.9 800.7 252.3 199.8 168.4 146.9 133.5 121.2 110.9
11.进出口总额 total exports and imparts(customs)          3151.9 654.5 196.6 183.0 158.2 165.5 161.2 133.8 125.5
    出口总额 total exports                         3118.7 709.3 219.7 207.2 169.4 174.3 167.8 134.6 124.8
    进口总额 total imports                        3205.8 583.5 168.7 154.5 143.3 153.2 151.7 132.6 126.7
  外商直接投资合同数(旧口径) number of agreement of foreign direct investment (old scope)                462.0 175.0 66.9 91.8 79.4 91.0 126.8 124.7 109.3
  外商直接投资合同金额(旧口径) value of agreenent of foreign direct investment (old scope)   1842.9 597.7 78.0 106.2 153.0 138.8 141.7 161.0 138.7
  实际利用外商直接投资金额(旧口径) value of foreign capital actually used  (old scope)   3607.2 1465.4 105.2 104.2 101.3 100.9 105.6 111.7 108.5
12.科技教育 education,science and technology                                                                                                          
  企事业单位专业技术人员 scientific and technical personel in enterprises and institutions   692.4 188.5 116.3 114.3 109.0 104.8 100.9 98.6 98.2 99.1
  专利授权数 number of patent certified                          1449.6 428.8 334.5 258.6 172.6 136.4 133.2 121.4
  普通高等学校数 institutions of higher education                   660.0 206.3 91.7 91.7 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 110.0 117.9 103.1
    在校学生数   students enrollment                     4197.9 962.4 447.4 354.9 275.2 268.8 252.6 231.8 192.3 150.3 117.9
    专任教师数   full-time teachers                    2040.6 301.5 153.2 139.7 149.2 148.9 144.2 150.6 140.8 127.5 116.3
  中等专业学校数 secondary schools                   207.8 182.8 112.8 102.9 97.2 96.4 95.5 94.6 89.8 89.8 97.2
    在校学生数   students enrollment                     685.3 497.7 301.6 222.2 135.2 123.6 116.1 110.7 101.6 101.5 97.7
    专任教师数   full-time teachers                     560.3 277.8 128.5 101.7 90.5 90.0 87.6 84.9 84.7 87.7 89.3
13.文化卫生 culture and public health  
  图书出版量 number of books published                       27712.5 292.7 127.9 122.3 108.2 93.5 85.7 92.4 91.2 98.3 111.5
  杂志出版量 number of magazines issued                       3751.4 1053.9 121.2 129.5 96.5 105.1 102.9 104.9 102.5 91.6 91.5
  报纸出版量 number of newspaper issued                       4126.4 534.8 220.6 190.7 153.4 147.5 143.7 132.8 123.2 114.8 108.0
  卫生机构数 number of health institutions                       1376.6 228.8 181.7 178.4 192.1 191.8 86.6 85.8 85.8 88.9 89.2
  #医院   number of hospitals                         1205.3 122.6 118.0 113.7 108.4 104.9 104.3 103.6 103.7 102.9 102.3
  卫生技术人员数 medical technical personnel                   549.7 173.2 128.2 109.6 102.5 101.6 100.1 97.6 97.5 97.4 95.7
  #医生   number of doctors                         353.5 182.4 149.3 112.9 103.1 100.0 98.8 96.2 94.8 97.1 95.0
  医疗床位数 number of hospital beds                      1260.9 168.9 149.0 127.9 118.2 103.9 98.1 97.4 96.6 96.6 96.9