
提供住宿的社会服务机构  指能为老年人、残疾人、智障与精神病人、儿童等人员提供住宿的社会服务机构数。包括社会福利院、特困人员救助供养机构、其他各类养老机构、社会福利医院、儿童福利院、未成年人救助保护中心、流浪乞讨人员救助管理机构、安置农场以及其他提供住宿的机构

律师  指依法取得律师执业证书,担任法律顾问,民事(刑事、行政)案件代理人、刑事案件辩护人、办理非诉讼业务,解答法律询问,代写法律事务文书等,为社会提供法律服务的人员。

公证人员  指在公证处工作的人员总称,包括公证处主任、副主任、公证员、公证员助理(助理公证员)和其他从事辅助性工作的人员。

公证文书  指公证处根据当事人申请,依照事实和法律,按照法定程序制作的,具有法律效力的司法证明文书。根据公证书用途和使用地,公证书分为国内公证书、国内经济公证书、涉外民事公证书、涉外经济公证书四类。


Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators

Social Service Institutions Providing Accommodation  refer to the number of social service institutions that can provide accommodation for the elderly, the disabled, the mentally handicapped, the children, etc. Including social welfare institutions, relief and support institutions for the poor, other pension institutions, social welfare hospitals, children's welfare homes, minor rescue and protection centers, rescue and management institutions for Vagrants and beggars, resettlement farms and other institutions providing accommodation.

Lawyers  are certified legal workers according to law, and who are employed by legal counseling firms to act as legal advisers, agents in criminal or civil lawsuits, or defenders in criminal lawsuits, or to handle non-litigious legal affairs, to advise on matters of law or t o write legal papers for others, and provide service to the public.

Notary Personnel  refers to people working for notary offices including: directors, deputy direct or, notaries, assistant notaries, and other people providing assistance.

Notary Documents  refer to the judicatory notary documents drawn up by the request of the party and are in accordance with facts and laws and following certain legal proceedings. According to usage and locality, the notary documents are divided into following 4 types: domestic notary documents, domestic economic notary documents, foreign-related civil notary documents and foreign-related economic notary documents.