20-2 社会救济情况
Statistics of Social Relief
项目 Item 2010 2015 2020 2021
  社会救济  Social Relief
    城镇居民最低生活保障人数(人)   Number of Family Receiving Minimum Living
  Allowance in Urban Areas(person)
181530 129477 62379 64992
    #女性    Female 59498 50814 29041 30134
    #老年人    Old People 35936 14524 14830
    #残疾人    Disabled Persons 19764 20875 18498 19575
    城市居民最低保障家庭数(户)   Number of Family Receiving Minimum Living
  Allowance in Urban Areas(household)
84876 75518 40921 42959
    城市低保资金全年计划支出(万元)   The Annual Plan Expenditure of Minimum
  Living Allowance in Urban Areas(10000 yuan)
28851 53548 42484 45134
    农村最低生活保障人数(人)   Number of Persons Receiving Minimum Living
  Allowance in Rural Areas(person)
713217 716811 452363 483970
    #女性    Female 194465 260786 199437 214693
    #老年人    Old People 174188 227503 122313 127951
    #未成年人    Minors 80935 78654 69723 77162
    #残疾人    Disabled Persons 85429 103180 91318 100460
    农村居民最低生活保障家庭数(户)   Number of Family Receiving Minimum
  Living Allowance in Rural Areas(household)
305692 375987 248073 269202
  农村低保资金全年计划支出(万元)  The Annual Plan Expenditure of Minimum
 Living Allowance in Rural Areas(10000 yuan)
56571 152879  232460 249509
  城市特困人员供养人数(人)  Number of destitute People in Urban Areas(person) 5868 6163
  城市特困人员全年供养支出(万元)  Support Expenditure of destitute People in
 Urban Areas(10000 yuan)
10210 13595
  农村特困人员供养人数(人)  Number of destitute People in Rural Areas(person) 62044 60811
  农村特困人员全年供养支出(万元)  Support Expenditure of destitute People
 in Rural Areas(10000 yuan)
91083 95742