第十  环境保护

Chapter 19  Environment Protection



Database Editor:Hexiangwei




本篇资料来源于省生态环境厅、水利厅、住建厅、交通厅、自然资源厅、应急管理厅、林业局、海洋与渔业局、地震局等。    本篇资料由省统计局能源统计处整理提供。

Brief Introduction

Main Content and Source of Data

This chapter contain information that reflect the condition and natural resources and data on development of environment protection ,Social welfare ,the judicial conditions, basic statistics on traffic accidents and fires etc in Fujian. including natural resources and natural condition, total water resources ,atmospheric environment, solid waste, environment noise , eco- environment protection , natural disasters and investments in the treatment of environmental pollution control ;   the number of institutions and personnel, social welfare relief, and marital status etc.

The above mentioned data are provide By the Provincial Department of Ecology and Environmentthe Provincial Department of Water Resources, the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the Provincial Department of Transport, the Provincial Department of Natural Resources, the Provincial Department of Emergency Management, the Forestry Bureau,the Provincial Department of Ocean and fisheries, Fujian Earthquake Agency.

Data in this chapter are provided and compiled by the Division of Energy of Fujian Provincial Bureau of Statistics.