
 医疗卫生机构  医疗卫生机构  指从卫生健康行政部门取得《医疗机构执业许可证》,或从民政、工商行政、机构编制管理部门取得法人单位登记证书,为社会提供医疗保健、疾病控制、卫生监督服务或从事医学科研和医学在职培训等工作的单位。医疗卫生机构包括医院、基层医疗卫生机构、专业公共卫生机构、其他医疗卫生机构。

医院  包括综合医院、中医医院、中西医结合医院、民族医院、各类专科医院和护理院,不包括专科疾病防治院、妇幼保健院和疗养院。

卫生技术人员  包括执业医师、执业助理医师、注册护士、药师()、检验技师()、影像技师、卫生监督员和见习医(药、护、技)()等卫生专业人员。不包括从事管理工作的卫生技术人员(如院长、副院长、党委书记等)

执业医师  指《医师执业证》“级别”为“执业医师”且实际从事医疗、预防保健工作的人员,不包括实际从事管理工作的执业医师。执业医师类别分为临床、中医、口腔和公共卫生四类。

执业助理医师  指《医师执业证》“级别”为“执业助理医师”且实际从事医疗、预防保健工作的人员,不包括实际从事管理工作的执业助理医师。执业助理医师类别分为临床、中医、口腔和公共卫生四类。


Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators

Medical and Health Institutions  refer to the units that obtain the practicing license of medical institutions from the health administrative departments, or obtain the registration certificate of legal entity from the civil affairs, industrial and commercial administration, and institution establishment management departments, and provide medical care, disease control, health supervision services for the society, or engage in medical research and on-the-job medical training. Medical and health institutions include hospitals, primary medical and health institutions, professional public health institutions, and other medical and health institutions.

Hospitals  include general hospitals, traditional Chinese medicine hospitals, integrated Chinese and Western medicine hospitals, ethnic hospitals, various specialized hospitals and nursing homes, excluding specialized disease prevention and treatment centers, maternal and child health centers and sanatoriums.

Medical Technical Personnel  include practicing doctors, practicing assistant doctors, registered nurses, pharmacists, inspection technicians, imaging technicians, health supervisors and interns (medicine, nursing, technical) and other health professionals. Excluding health technicians engaged in management work (such as president, vice president, Secretary of the Party committee, etc.).

Practicing Doctor  refers to a person whose "level" in the doctor's license is "practicing doctor" and who is actually engaged in medical and preventive health care work, excluding a practicing doctor who is actually engaged in management work. Practicing doctors are divided into four categories: clinical, traditional Chinese medicine, oral and public health.

Practicing Assistant Doctors  refer to those who are "practicing assistant doctors" in the "doctor license" and are actually engaged in medical and preventive health care work, excluding those who are actually engaged in management work. Practicing assistant doctors are divided into four categories: clinical, traditional Chinese medicine, oral and public health.