18-12 前十位疾病死亡原因及构成(2021)
Death Rate of 10 Major Diseases(2021)
项目 占疾病死亡总人数比重(%) 项目 占疾病死亡总人数比重(%)
Item Mortality(%) Item Mortality(%)
  城市 93.85   农村 90.65
    Urban     Rural
    恶性肿瘤 28.31     恶性肿瘤 31.50
        Malignant Tumor         Malignant Tumor
    心脏病 19.52     心脏病 15.42
        Heart Trouble         Heart Trouble
    脑血管病 16.39     脑血管病 15.24
        Cerebrovasular Disease         Cerebrovasular Disease
    损伤和中毒 9.83     损伤和中毒 11.47
        Trauma and Toxicosis         Trauma and Toxicosis
    呼吸系统疾病 8.93     呼吸系统疾病 8.03
        Diseases of the Respiratory System         Diseases of the Respiratory System
    内分泌、营养和代谢疾病 3.81     内分泌、营养和代谢疾病 3.21
        Endocrine,Nutritional & Metabolite Disease         Endocrine,Nutritional & Metabolite Disease
    消化系统疾病 2.59     消化系统疾病 2.17
        Disease of  the Digestive System         Disease of the Digestive System
    神经系统疾病 2.49     神经系统疾病 1.92
        Diseases of the Nervous System         Nervous System
    泌尿生殖系统疾病 1.24     泌尿生殖系统疾病 0.92
        Diseases of the Genitourinary System         Diseases of the Genitourinary System
    传染病 0.74     精神障碍 0.77
        Infectious Disease         Mental Disorder