18-11 法定报告传染病发病及死亡情况(2021)
Incidence and Death from Infectious Diseases(2021)
项目 Item 发病率(1/10万) 死亡率(1/10万) 病死率(%)
Incidence Disease Rate (per100 000) Death Rate(per 100 000) MortalityRate
总计 Total 392.54  0.71  0.18 
  病毒性肝炎   Viral Hepatitis 97.46  0.01  0.01 
  痢疾   Dysentery 0.43 
  伤寒副伤寒   Typhoid and Paratyphoid Fever 0.97 
  艾滋病    AIDS 2.58  0.62  24.21 
  淋病   Gonorrhea 13.89 
  梅毒   Syphilis 50.36  0.01  0.02 
  麻疹   Measles 0.02 
  百日咳   Whooping Cough 0.81 
  流脑   Epidemic Encephalitis
  猩红热   Scarlet Fever 1.42 
  出血热   Hemorrhage Fever 0.57 
  狂犬病   Hydrophobia 100.00 
  布氏杆菌病   Brucellosis 0.44 
  乙脑   Encephalitis B
  疟疾   Malaria 0.03 
  新生儿破伤风   Newborn Tetanus
  肺结核   Pulmonary Tuberculosis 38.63  0.06  0.16 
Note:The death rate in this table is ratio the proportion deaths to total population.