18-5 各类医疗卫生机构情况(2021年)
Statistics of Health Institutions by Category(2021)
项目 医疗卫生机构
Item Number of Health Institutions
Hospital Beds
Medical Technical Personnel
Doctors Certified Nurses
      28693 223813 294376 111058 130171
  医院 711 176316 176424 57775 90143
    综合医院 381 112015 123024 40788 63558
        Integrated Hospitals
    中医医院 88 21856 23478 8335 10389
        Hospitals of Traditional Chinese Medicine
    中西医结合医院 9 3129 3507 1222 1732
        Hospitals Integrating Traditional Chinese Medicine  with Western Medicine
    民族医院 1 60 42 15 18
        National Hospital
    专科医院 224 38576 26063 7325 14299
        Specialized Hospitals
    护理院 8 680 310 90 147
        Nursing Home
  基层医疗卫生机构 27463 37451 95586 45690 33036
    Grassroots Health Institutions
    社区卫生服务中心(站) 725 4346 14399 5982 5277
        Health service centers in Communities
    卫生院 889 33105 34752 12588 12340
        Rural Township Hospitals
    门诊部 1667 0 20976 10938 7809
    诊所、卫生所、医务室 7335 0 19080 10449 7067
        Clinigues,Health Clinic,Infirmaries
    村卫生室 16847 0 6369 5733 543
        Village Clinics
  专业公共卫生机构 392 8986 20266 7104 6378
    Professional Public Health Institutions
    疾病预防控制中心 100 0 5200 2300 472
        Sanitation and Antiepidemic Stations
    专科疾病防治院 23 2113 999 365 375
        Specialized Prevention & Treatment Centers
    妇幼保健院、所、站 94 6827 11460 4182 4965
        Maternity and Child Care Centers
    急救中心 13 46 366 145 193
        First-aid Centers
    采供血机构 10 0 618 69 342
        Blood Collected and Supplied Centers
    卫生监督所 87 0 1503 0 0
        Sanitation Supervision Centers
    计划生育技术服务机构 65 0 120 43 31
        Family Planning Technical Service Institution
  其他卫生机构 127 1060 2110 489 614
    Other Institutions
    疗养院 5 1060 241 51 146
    医学科学研究机构 6 0 43 29 1
        Research Institutions of Medical Science
    医学在职培训机构 17 0 49 25 15
        Sanitation Supervision and Inspection Centers
    其他 99 0 1777 384 452