18-4 各类卫生技术人员数
Number of Medical Technical Personnel by Category
单位:人 (person)
项目  Item 2000 2005 2010 2015 2019 2020 2021
    97569 100937 140133 213162 263427 278397 294376
  #执业医师 31966 36668 48789 66162 85089 90384 95297
        Chartered Doctors
    执业助理医师 9495 7641 6613 12011 14443 15162 15761
        Assistant Chartered Doctors
    注册护士 31430 34195 53820 90503 116284 122476 130171
        Certified Nurses
    药师(士) 9212 9128 10027 13865 15475 15993 16728
    检验人员 3764 4620 7582 7720 9895 10532 11344
        Laboratory Technicians
Note:Since 2014,number of medical technical personnel of village clinics was included in number of medical technical personnel by category.