
文化事业机构  指从事专业文化工作和为专业文化工作服务的独立建制的单位。不包括这些单位另外举办独立核算的其他机构和各部门的业余文化组织。该指标主要反映文化事业机构发展规模水平。

艺术表演团体  指由文化和旅游部门主办或实行行业管理(经文化和旅游行政部门审批并领取营业性演出许可证),专门从事表演艺术等活动的各类专业艺术表演团体,含民间职业剧团。(不包括群众业余文艺表演团队)。

艺术表演观众人数(人次)  指售票、包场演出或民族地区免费演出的艺术表演观众人次数,不包括彩排审查和内部观摩演出的观看人次数。该指标主要反映观看专业艺术表演团体演出的效益规模。 

等级运动员人数  是指经各级体育行政部门正式批准授予技术等级的运动员,分为国际级运动健将、运动健将、一级运动员、二级运动员。



Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators

Cultural Institutions  refer to units, which have their own organizational system and independent accounting system and specialize in or serve cultural development. They exclude other establishments run by these cultural institutions and amateur cultural groups established by various departments. This indicator reflects the development of cultural units.

Art Troupe  refer to all kinds of professional art performance groups, including folk professional troupes, which are sponsored by the cultural and tourism departments or are subject to industry management (approved by the cultural and tourism administrative departments and obtain business performance licenses) and are specialized in performing arts and other activities (excluding the mass amateur art performance team).

Number of Spectators at Art Performance  refers to the number of attendants at commercial shows, completely booked shows or free shows given in minority national areas, and does not include the number of spectators at rehearsals for examination and internal shows for study. This indicator reflects beneficial results of.

Number of Athletes in Grades  refers to the athletes who have been officially approved by the sports administrative departments at all levels to be awarded technical levels. They are divided into international athletes, athletes, first-class athletes and second-class athletes.