17-11 广播电视制作播出情况
Statistics on Radio and Television Production and Broadcasting
项目  Item 2010 2015 2020 2021
    本年广播节目制作(小时) 250854 253719 251980 239943
        Produced Programs of Broadcasting the Current Year(hours)
    #新闻资讯类 50761 52818 57345 52786
            News and Messages
      专题服务类 57467 66807 64619 56583
            Special Service
      综艺益智类 79608 76749 62693 56242
            General arts
      广告类 16489 17001 7559 7585
    平均每日播音时间(小时) 1385 1436 1442 1450
        Average Broadcasting Time per-day(hours)
    #播出自制节目 879 855 865 836
            Homemade Program
      购买交换节目 34 86 126 154
            Purchased Exchange Program
    有线广播电视用户数(万户) 613.16 730.68 726.77 733.45
        Users of Cable TV(10000 household)
    #数字电视用户数 289.45 689.18 726.77 733.45
            Users of Digital TV
    本年电视节目制作(小时) 55424 73986 55417 55382
        Programs of Television the Current Year(hours)
    #新闻资讯类 20553 25814 25285 24223
            News and Messages
      专题服务类 13377 18265 14112 14084
            Special Service
      综艺益智类 4713 5519 2964 2381
            General arts
      影视剧类 1052 495 253 302
            Films and Plays
      广告类 5776 5914 4858 4407
    本年制作电视剧(集) 287 108 150 339
        Produced Television Plays the Current Year(volumes)
    平均每周播出时间(小时) 6406 6997 8144 9166
        Average Television Time Per-week(hours)
    全年电视剧播出数(集) 105903 108101 129278 142042
        Number of Television Plays the Current Year(volumes)