17-5 图书、博物馆情况
Basic Statistics on Libraries and Museums
项目  Item 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
    公共图书馆图书总藏量(千册) 30510 33220 37450 42419 46063 53118
        Total Collections of Public Library(1000 volumes)
    #图书藏量(千册) 24140 26500 30006 34238 37448 42430
            Total Collections of Books(1000 volumes)
      报刊藏量(千册) 2437 2550 2659 2910 3007 3206
            Total Collections of Newspapers(1000 volumes)
      视听文献、缩微制品藏量(千册) 712 755 787 808 827 1512
            Total Collections of Public Library(1000 volumes)
    组织各类讲座次数(次) 3384 2327 2451 3055 1267 1849
        All kinds of Sessions for reader(time)
    各类讲座参加人次(千人次) 416 290 293 403 143 337
        Number of Visitors(1000 person-times)
    举办展览次数(次) 836 1092 971 1048 900 1045
        Number of Exhibitions(time)
    参观展览人次(千人次) 1738 2420 2653 2112 825 1296
        Number of Exhibitions Persons(1000 person-times)
    举办培训班次数(次) 1368 2396 2395 2165 1000 1408
        Training Courses(time)
    参加培训班人次(千人次) 119 1100 199 171 47 78
        Number of Persons Completing Courses(1000 person-times)
    总流通人次(千人次) 26035 29701 33549 38912 16601 23420
        Total Number of Circulation(1000 person-times)
    文物藏品(件) 496026 606176 670838 679751 745277 748831
        Collection of Cultural Relics(piece)
    #一级品 1083 1097 1094 1094 1115 1097
            Grade one
      二级品 2988 3045 3055 3056 3714 3204
            Grade two
      三级品 99682 103260 103022 104482 104000 102598
            Grade three
    参观人次(千人次) 25454 29330 37154 41668 11937 17789
        Number of Visitors(1000 person-times)
    #文物机构青少年参观人次 9068 9780 10720 11822 3388 5388
            Number of Visitors