16-27 中等职业教育分科学生数(2021年)
Students in Secondary Vocational Schools by Field of Study (2021)
单位:人 (person)
项目 Item 毕业生数 招生数 在校学生数
Graduates New Enrollment Total Enrollment
  合计 Total 99079 139845 375367
 农林牧渔大类 Agriculture, Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery 4550 6173 14370
 资源环境与安全大类 Resources ,Environment and Safety 29 304 665
 能源动力与材料大类 Energy,Power and Materials 175 321 702
 土木建筑大类 Civil Engineering 6470 8906 21638
 水利大类 Irrigation 184 126 290
 装备制造大类 Equipment Manufacturing 6946 12407 31653
 生物与化工大类 Biology and Chemical Engineering 435 492 1426
 轻工纺织大类 Light Industry Textile 1325 1891 4774
 食品药品与粮食大类 Food and Medicine 973 1597 3983
 交通运输大类 Transport 8194 11557 31294
 电子与信息大类 Electronics and Information 16399 25097 67855
 医药卫生大类 Medicine and Health 7468 6870 22506
 财经商贸大类 Finance and Trade 14536 22276 59901
 旅游大类 Tourism 6159 8809 23836
 文化艺术大类 Culture and Arts 7104 11370 29945
 新闻传播大类 Journalism and Communication 2678 3780 10733
 教育与体育大类 Education and Sports 15233 17241 48119
 公安与司法大类 Public Security and Justice
 公共管理与服务大类 Public Management and Services 221 628 1677
Note:Since 2013,The graduates do not included full-time education.