16-23 普通高等学校专科分科学生数(2021年)
Basic Statistics of Students in Higher Educational Institutions by Subject(2021)
单位:人 (person)
项目 Item 在校学生数 招生数 毕业生数
Total Enrollment New Enrollment Graduates
  合计 Total 463772 161182 99608
    农林牧渔大类 Agriculture, Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery 5689 2265 1444
    资源环境与安全大类 Resource Environment and Security 4806 2026 1056
    能源动力与材料大类 Material and Energy 5406 1912 1214
    土木建筑大类 Construction 41939 13033 9293
    水利大类 Water Conservancy 2225 696 515
    装备制造大类 Manufacturing 37909 13652 6965
    生物与化工大类 Biology and Chemical Industry 2807 732 624
    轻工纺织大类 Light and Textile Industry 3459 1079 1002
    食品药品与粮食大类 Food,Medicine and Food 13467 5254 2785
    交通运输大类 Transport 24730 9277 4927
    电子信息大类 Electronic Information 66136 22530 14348
    医药卫生大类 Medicine and Health 55110 19067 12971
    财经商贸大类 Financial and Commercial Business 78634 25617 16319
    旅游大类 Touring 13116 4450 3139
    文化艺术大类 Culture and Art 41334 15252 7505
    新闻传播大类 News Media 5582 1982 1316
    教育与体育大类 Education and Sports 58536 21452 13103
    公安与司法大类 Public Security and Judicature 1 7
    公共管理与服务大类 Public Management and Service 2886 906 1075