16-12 各级各类民办教育基本情况(2021年)
Basic Statistics on Private Schools by Level and Type of Schools(2021)
单位:人 (person)
项目 Item 学校数
毕业生数 招生数 在校学生数 教职工数
Number of Schools
Number of
New Enrollment Total Enrollment Teachers and Staff Full-time Teachers
  民办高等教育 Private Higher Education 36 68650 106998 329856 20093 13864
    民办高校 Private Institutions of  Higher Education 31 52117 87984 262678 16115 11040
      本科 Undergraduate Courses 11 24936 38279 119869 7904 5449
      专科 Specialized Courses 20 27181 49705 142809 8211 5591
    独立学院 Non-university Tertiary 5 16533 19014 67178 3978 2824
      本科 Undergraduate Courses 5 16533 19014 67178 3978 2824
  高中阶段教育 Senior Secondary Education 111 29173 51684 131912 25450 8966
    高中 Private Regular Senior Secondary Schools 90 22789 36997 97714 24191 7439
    中等职业学校 Private Vocational Secondary Education 21 6384 14687 34198 1259 1527
  初中阶段教育 Junior Secondary Education 79 55745 67146 188957 9750 12357
    初中 Private Regular Junior Secondary Schools 79 55745 67146 188957 9750 12357
  民办普通小学 Private Regular Primary Schools 89 22867 22416 138668 5043 8848
  民办幼儿园 Private Kindergartens 5816 292967 225608 720916 107881 54915