16-8 技术市场合同数与合同金额情况(2021年)
Basic Statistics of Technical Market Contract and Contract Amount(2021)
项目 合同数(项) 合同金额(万元)
Item Number of Contracts
Amount of Contracts
(10000 yuan)
      16320 2143960
    By Kind of Contract
    技术开发合同 6542 792098
        Contract of Technical Development
    技术转让合同 705 427117
        Contract of Technical Transfer
    技术咨询合同 1128 20497
        Contract of Technical Advisory
    技术服务合同 7945 904248
        Contract of Technical Service
    By Service Aim
    农、林、牧、渔业发展 1639 25254
        Development of Agriculture, Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery
    工商业发展 1307 589950
        Development of Industry
    能源生产、分配和合理利用 584 64062
        Production, Distribution and Use for Energy
    基础设施以及城市和农村规划 382 12970
        Infrastructure and Planning of Urban and Rural
    环境保护、生态建设及污染防治 763 64276
        Environmental Protection
    卫生事业发展 423 57156
    教育事业发展 227 12335
    社会发展和社会经济发展 7105 830499
        Development of Social and Social Economy
    非定向研究 152 7069
        Nondirectional Research
    民用空间探测及开发 62 2687
        Civil Space
    地球和大气层的探索与利用 53 6080
        Probe and Utilize of Earth and Atmosphere
    国防 38 3091
        National defense
    其他民用目标 3585 468531
    By the Flaw of Technology
    本省 11603 1009850
        Native Province
    省外 4717 1134110
        Outside the Province