16-5 各类型专利申请和授权情况
Patent Applications and Granted by Category
单位:项 (unit)
年份 专利申请数 专利授权数
发明 实用新型 外观设计 发明 实用新型 外观设计
Year Number of Patent
Creation and Inventions Utility Models Designs Number Of Patent
Utility Models Designs
1985 137 74 63 1 1
1986 195 67 125 3 23 23
1987 305 84 206 15 78 3 73 2
1988 420 90 320 10 132 13 114 5
1989 445 90 318 37 203 20 176 7
1990 540 95 374 71 276 25 239 12
1991 672 102 512 58 277 21 206 50
1992 928 171 661 96 352 17 295 40
1993 1271 199 729 343 850 36 697 117
1994 1510 202 725 583 733 22 455 256
1995 1979 200 816 963 933 17 439 477
1996 2626 224 971 1431 1196 15 468 713
1997 3018 226 1113 1679 1547 24 468 1055
1998 3393 201 1071 2121 2318 20 689 1609
1999 3381 240 1099 2042 2934 32 1089 1813
2000 4211 377 1516 2318 3003 93 1074 1836
2001 4971 361 1757 2853 3296 82 1107 2107
2002 6521 562 2233 3726 4001 63 1306 2632
2003 7236 797 2554 3885 5377 137 1658 3582
2004 7498 850 2524 4124 4758 160 1776 2822
2005 9460 1202 3182 5076 5147 242 1793 3112
2006 10351 1437 3445 5469 6412 310 2578 3524
2007 11341 2170 3878 5293 7761 336 3323 4102
2008 13181 2701 5141 5339 7937 530 3921 3486
2009 17559 3842 7844 5873 11282 824 4939 5519
2010 21994 5117 10846 6031 18063 1224 9664 7175
2011 32325 6896 16688 8741 21857 1945 12697 7215
2012 42773 8492 22081 12200 30497 2977 17708 9812
2013 53701 9884 25769 18048 37511 2941 22152 12418
2014 58075 12529 25410 20136 37857 3426 21013 13418
2015 83146 17663 44339 21144 61621 5730 34086 21805
2016 130376 27041 78176 25159 67142 7170 42110 17862
2017 128079 26460 76724 24895 68304 8718 39608 19978
2018 166610 37216 96225 33169 102622 9858 67822 24942
2019 153279 30083 87377 35819 98955 8963 61530 28462
2020 180399 35161 109187 36051 145929 10250 99956 35723
2021 153814 12561 105267 35986
Note:a)Since 2017,there has been adjustment to the statistical coverage of patent statistics.
         b)Since 2021,intellectual management department on longer makes statistics on patent application data.