15-21 国内游客构成(2021)
Composition of Domestic Tourists(2021)
单位:% (%)
项目 Item 2021
按性别分 By Sex
       Male 49.1
       Female 50.9
按年龄分 By Age
  16岁以下     Under 16 2.0
  17-22岁     17-22 9.5
  23-45岁     23-45 61.1
  46-60岁     46-60 22.3
  60岁以上     60 and over 5.2
按旅游目的分 By Aim of Tourist
  旅游度假目的     Travel and Vacation 88.9
    观光游览         Tourism 48.1
    休闲度假         Leisure Vacation 28.3
    探亲访友         Visiting Relatives and Friends 5.7
    宗教朝拜         Religious Worship 1.9
    文化艺术欣赏         Appreciation of Culture and art 1.2
    购物娱乐         Shopping and Entertainment 3.7
  工作学习目的     Work and Study 7.3
    商务活动         Business 2.3
    会议培训         Conference training 0.7
    学习交流         Study 2.1
    其他工作学习活动          Others 2.2
  医疗保健及其他     Health Care and Others 3.8
    医疗保健         Health Care 0.2
    其他         Others 3.6
按出游方式分 By Mode
  单位组织     Organized by Unit 4.5
  旅行社     Travel Agency 2.0
  个人亲友结伴     Relatives and Friends as Accompanies 93.5