15-13 限额以上住宿和餐饮业企业主要财务指标(2021年)
Main Financial Indicators of Enterprises above Designated Size in Hotels and Catering Services(2021)
单位:万元 (10000 yuan)
项目 Item 主营业务收入 营业成本 税金及附加 营业利润
Main Operating Income Operating Expenses Tax and Extra Charges Profits of Business
合计 Total 5772788 3687384 44326 61584
  住宿业 Hotels 2367225 1332371 32088 -92126
    按登记注册类型分 By Registration Category
      内资企业  Domestic Funded Enterprises 1981860 1151446 24637 -58064
      #国有企业  State-owned Enterprises 21379 7442 314 -7761
        集体企业  Collective-owned Enterprises 6193 4628 80 386
        有限责任公司  Limited Liability Corporations 496749 286099 7873 -43381
        私营企业  Private Enterprises 1452940 847615 16257 -8503
      港澳台商投资企业  Funds from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan 255665 130091 3415 -28900
      外商投资企业  Foreign Funded Enterprises 129700 50834 4036 -5162
    按行业分 By Sector
    #旅游饭店  Tourism Hotel 1836362 998555 25863 -88248
      一般旅馆  General Hotel 482603 295830 5689 -3303
      民宿服务  Home and Lodging Services 11509 9804 166 1039
      其他住宿业  Other Hotel 36282 27827 368 -1711
  餐饮业 Catering Services 3405563 2355013 12238 153710
    按登记注册类型分 By Registration Category
      内资企业  Domestic Funded Enterprises 2636274 1944491 11520 127410
      #国有企业  State-owned Enterprises 2120 1619 6 -235
        有限责任公司  Limited Liability Corporations 69727 57092 365 1629
        私营企业  Private Enterprises 2562210 1884872 11133 126861
      港澳台商投资企业  Funds from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan 230446 87743 190 7105
      外商投资企业  Foreign Funded Enterprises 538843 322779 528 19195
    按行业分 By Sector
      正餐服务  Dinner 2111969 1442118 9992 105726
      快餐服务  Snack 908684 639014 1623 29480
      饮料及冷饮服务  Drink and Cold Drink 222687 158102 269 12030
      餐饮配送及外卖送餐服务  Catering distribution 95391 77003 135 669
      其他餐饮业  Others 66832 38776 220 5805