15-12 限额以上住宿和餐饮业企业年末资产及负债情况(2021年)
Assess and Liabilities of Enterprises above Designated Size in Hotels andCatering Services(2021)
单位:万元 (10000 yuan)
项目 Item 资产总计 固定资产原价 负债总计 所有者权益合计
Total Assess Total Circulating Funds Original Prices of Fixed Assets Total Liabilities Total Creditors Equity
合计 Total 10842459 4680091 4762977 6758221 4021186
  住宿业 Hotels 9136648 3811277 4215278 5577189 3513965
    按登记注册类型分 By Registration Category
      内资企业  Domestic Funded Enterprises 5074305 1874659 2961541 3462928 1584071
      #国有企业  State-owned Enterprises 97665 13632 99170 83515 13353
        集体企业  Collective-owned Enterprises 1469 613 1586 850 619
        有限责任公司  Limited Liability Corporations 1591489 563725 1117134 971443 620188
        私营企业  Private Enterprises 3149206 1145558 1721382 2395006 727549
      港澳台商投资企业  Funds from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan 992532 374391 675001 793016 199491
      外商投资企业  Foreign Funded Enterprises 3069811 1562227 578735 1321245 1730403
    按行业分 By Sector
    #旅游饭店  Tourism Hotel 7876842 3220271 3624589 4832523 3012365
      一般旅馆  General Hotel 962552 428375 526298 700544 249096
      民宿服务  Home and Lodging Services 242589 148468 26380 27996 214593
      其他住宿业  Other Hotel 54626 14147 37996 16125 37871
  餐饮业 Catering Services 1705811 868814 547700 1181032 507222
    按登记注册类型分 By Registration Category
      内资企业  Domestic Funded Enterprises 1205892 689525 392649 736905 451535
      #国有企业  State-owned Enterprises 1140 448 540 232 908
        有限责任公司  Limited Liability Corporations 48754 17712 11578 32156 13880
        私营企业  Private Enterprises 1149266 666087 379784 703760 430773
      港澳台商投资企业  Funds from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan 208876 59522 89509 179708 29168
      外商投资企业  Foreign Funded Enterprises 291044 119767 65541 264419 26520
    按行业分 By Sector
      正餐服务  Dinner 1074417 574510 380094 685549 371427
      快餐服务  Snack 434865 159519 136743 336444 98421
      饮料及冷饮服务  Drink and Cold Drink 109288 87616 10232 104975 4199
      餐饮配送及外卖送餐服务  Catering distribution 43560 32292 10493 26626 16935
      其他餐饮业  Others 43681 14877 10137 27438 16240