15-11 限额以上住宿业和餐饮业企业经营情况(2021年)
Basic Conditions of Enterprises above Designated Size in Hotels and Catering Services(2021)
单位:万元 (10000 yuan)
项目 Item 营业额
客房收入 餐费收入 商品销售额 其他收入
Business Revenue From Hotel
From Meals From Commodities Income From Others
合计 Total 6126864 1193510 4404881 268792 259681
  住宿业 Hotels 2519712 1133152 1178022 69358 139181
    按登记注册类型分 By Registration Category
      内资企业  Domestic Funded Enterprises 2108442 954369 983856 61176 109041
      #国有企业  State-owned Enterprises 26343 13152 9703 120 3368
        集体企业  Collective-owned Enterprises 6487 1751 4692 44
        有限责任公司  Limited Liability Corporations 522168 231974 226854 12379 50962
        私营企业  Private Enterprises 1548543 705434 741139 48669 53302
      港澳台商投资企业  Funds from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan 268918 102167 147081 4662 15008
      外商投资企业  Foreign Funded Enterprises 142353 76616 47084 3520 15133
    按行业分 By Sector
    #旅游饭店  Tourism Hotel 1948331 802339 985436 47133 113423
      一般旅馆  General Hotel 517054 302302 177476 15167 22110
      民宿服务  Home and Lodging Services 12077 6477 4176 190 1233
      其他住宿业  Other Hotel 41731 21993 10455 6868 2416
  餐饮业 Catering Services 3607152 60358 3226859 199434 120500
    按登记注册类型分 By Registration Category
      内资企业  Domestic Funded Enterprises 2775574 58537 2557312 87768 71958
      #国有企业  State-owned Enterprises 2128 627 793 708
        有限责任公司  Limited Liability Corporations 79028 2658 71628 2859 1882
        私营企业  Private Enterprises 2691982 55251 2483828 82826 70076
      港澳台商投资企业  Funds from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan 242899 1196 217210 10677 13816
      外商投资企业  Foreign Funded Enterprises 588679 626 452338 100990 34726
    按行业分 By Sector
      正餐服务  Dinner 2229344 60053 2075523 69390 24378
      快餐服务  Snack 967895 932431 14210 21254
      饮料及冷饮服务  Drink and Cold Drink 239384 104638 102906 31840
      餐饮配送及外卖送餐服务  Catering distribution 99810 305 53540 3003 42962
      其他餐饮业  Others 70719 60726 9926 67