15-7 亿元以上商品交易市场主要经济指标(2021年)
Main Indicator of Commodity Exchange Markets with Transaction Value
over 100 Million Yuan(2021)
项目 Item 市场数
Number of Markets
Number of Stalls
Operation Area(sq.m) Transaction Value
(10000 yuan)
 总计  Total
102 47963 2877133 11730212
   按经营环境分     By Operating Circumstance
     封闭式        Indoor 84 41406 2642527 10007349
     露天式        Outdoor
5 1038 66787 968978
     其他        Others 13 5519 167819 753885
   按营业状态分     By Operating Status
     常年营业        Perennial Operation
101 47935 2875633 11719212
     季节性营业        Seasonal Operation
1 28 1500 11000
     其他        Others
   按经营方式分     By Operating Mode
     批发(或以批发为主)        Whole Sale
41 24869 1978064 9445611
     零售(或以零售为主)        Retail
61 23094 899069 2284601
   按市场类别分     By Market Category
     综合市场        General Markets
44 23683 770761 3901340
       生产资料综合市场           Production Comprehensive Markets 1 200 5100 10690
       工业消费品综合市场           Industrial Consumable  Comprehensive Markets 3 5705 71638 940441
       农产品综合市场           Agricaltural Products  Comprehensive Markets 33 13642 312813 1494577
       其他综合市场           Other Comprehensive Markets 7 4136 381210 1455632
     专业市场        Specialized Markets 58 24280 2106372 7828872
       生产资料市场           Markets for Means of Production 6 1615 308700 632227
       农产品市场           Farm Produce Markets 30 10251 718064 4244517
       食品饮料及烟酒市场           Markets for Food, Beverages, Tobacco and Liquor 2 2539 67221 135954
       纺织、服装、鞋帽市场           Markets for Textiles, Clothing,  Shoes and Hats 4 4841 214636 611013
       日用品及文化用品市场           Markets for Daily Use Articles  and Cultural Goods
       黄金、珠宝、玉器等首饰市场           Gold, Jewelry, Jade Markets 4 1860 242569 1247919
       电器、通讯器材、电子设备市场           Markets for Electrical Appliances, Communication Appliances and
          Electronical Appliances 
1 719 38000 96143
       医药、医疗用品及器材市场           Markets for Medicine, Medical Materials  and Medical Instruments 1 28 1500 11000
       家具、五金及装饰材料市场           Markets for Furniture, Hardware  and Decoration Materials 7 2093 443582 315362
       汽车、摩托车及零配件市场           Markets for Cars, Motorcycles  and Spare Parts  3 334 72100 534737
       花、鸟、鱼、虫市场           Markets for Flower, Bird, Fish and Insects
       旧货市场           Second-hand Articles Markets
       其他专业市场           Other Specialized Markets