15-3 限额以上批发和零售企业基本情况(2021年)
Basic Conditions of Enterprises above Designated Size in Wholesale and Retail Trades(2021)
单位:万元 (10000 yuan)
项目 法人企业
Item Number of Corporation
Total Goods Purchase Sales Wholesale Inventory at the Year-end
合计 19876 604231475 633491360 546055931 24738148
  批发业 12459 540833714 559235897 538351399 20601233
        By Registration Category
      内资企业 12105 512727981 528772186 509496843 19217608
            Domestic Funded Enterprises
      #国有企业 30 4681490 7275286 7269051 238483
                State-owned Enterprises
        集体企业 24 274368 286457 245346 45047
                Collective-owned Enterprises
        有限责任公司 816 209806447 205564709 203592881 8676279
                Limited Liability Corporations
        股份有限公司 18 34119363 34296274 34286110 815777
                Share-holding Corporations Ltd.
        私营企业 11214 263835182 281337502 264092817 9441954
                Private Enterprises
      港澳台商投资企业 181 11642761 12744683 12115546 413517
            Funds from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan
      外商投资企业 173 16462973 17719028 16739011 970108
            Foreign Funded Enterprises
        By Sector
      农、林、牧、渔产品批发 338 15703460 16416228 16229940 1874189
            Wholesale of Agriculture,Forestry,Animal
            Husbandry and Fishery Products
      食品、饮料及烟草制品批发 1403 29609262 34355907 31903443 2380547
            Wholesale of Food, Beverages and Tobaccos
        米、面制品及食用油批发 159 4669878 4651893 4491667 941762
                Wholesale of Rice, Wheat Products and Edible Oil
        烟草制品批发 13 4458497 7056685 7048076 245571
                Wholesale of Tobaccos
      纺织、服装及家庭用品批发 2687 60550496 67343471 61483909 1810362
            Wholesale of Textiles, Garments and
            Daily Consumer Articles
        服装批发 802 15667155 16952632 15694460 709736
                Wholesale of Garments
        日用家电批发 109 1653728 1738644 1650586 142193
                Wholesale of Family Electrical Equipments
      文化、体育用品及器材批发 333 13312087 13933334 13324970 438628
            Wholesale of Culture, Sports Products  and Appliances
      医药及医疗器材批发 457 8479552 9442420 9078059 831328
            Wholesale of Medicines and Medical Appliances
      矿产品、建材及化工产品批发 5208 359301236 360176009 353438548 9523568
            Wholesale of Mineral Products, Building
            Materials and Chemical Products
        煤炭及制品批发 275 44860218 46338316 46257308 1675797
                Wholesale of Coal and Its Products
        石油及制品批发 360 33683185 26499541 23647697 824960
                Wholesale of Petroleum and Its Products
        金属及金属矿批发 1336 173490310 176211744 175456572 4178025
                Wholesale of Metal and Metal Mineral
        建材批发 1619 28461008 30475127 28751674 1161727
                Wholesale of Building Materials
        化肥批发 71 1491121 1691877 1636032 126224
                Wholesale of Chemical Fertilizer
      机械设备、五金产品及电子产品批发 1415 26779904 28416050 26193090 1451014
            Wholesale of Machinery, Equipment,
            Hardware,Transport and Electic Products
        汽车及零配件批发 280 5574905 5700650 4977014 354056
                Wholesale of Motor Vehicles
        计算机、软件及辅助设备批发 133 1462810 1580025 1399445 109638
                Wholesale of Computer Software and
                Supplementary Equipments
      贸易经纪与代理 50 2196766 2205770 2156521 89336
            Trade Broker and Agent
      其他批发业 568 24900952 26946707 24542919 2202261
            Other Wholesale not Classified Elsewhere
  零售业 7417 63397761 74255463 7704531 4136915
    Retail Trade
        By Registration Category
      内资企业 7209 52979352 61353295 5372783 3639086
            Domestic Funded Enterprises
      #国有企业 10 13305 14398 777
                State-owned Enterprises
        集体企业 57 454631 574716 90805 6296
                Collective-owned Enterprises
        有限责任公司 387 6921103 7937455 1058571 582096
                Limited Liability Corporations
        股份有限公司 15 2885641 3301297 1126386 151591
                Share-holding Corporations Ltd.
        私营企业 6732 42694111 49511931 3097017 2897828
                Private Enterprises
      港澳台商投资企业 93 2113630 2490324 110034 153644
            Funds from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan
      外商投资企业 115 8304778 10411844 2221715 344186
            Foreign Funded Enterprises
        By Sector
      综合零售 630 6665080 7707289 239777 361887
            General Retail
        百货零售 177 1957346 2368913 53073 84895
                Retail of Consumer Goods
        超级市场零售 337 3892285 4339581 74714 250953
                Retail of Supermarkets
      食品、饮料及烟草制品专门零售 981 3917518 4573259 262030 274616
            Retail of Food, Beverages and Tobaccos
      纺织、服装及日用品专门零售 365 3776602 5036473 743430 263092
            Retail of Textiles, Garments, Shoes and Hats
        服装零售 142 1872524 2619242 644706 166831
                Retail of Garments
      文化、体育用品及器材专门零售 227 1927727 2152469 549597 207676
            Retail of Culture, Sports Products and Equipments
        图书、报刊零售 13 668270 687236 313694 87531
                Retail of Books,Newspapers and Magazines
      医药及医疗器材专门零售 210 1539023 1820183 182135 183668
            Retail of Medicines and Medical Appliances
        西药零售 159 1368774 1614701 169568 156575
                Retail of Medicines
        中药零售 42 152992 186077 2898 25924
                Chinese medicine
      汽车、摩托车、零配件和燃料及其他动力销售 1534 25901235 29123969 3609402 1553003
            Retail of Motor Vehicles, Motorcycles  Fuel and Parts
        汽车新车零售 1041 16308186 17407093 475000 1179824
                Retail of Motor Vehicles
        机动车燃油零售 324 8695043 10718617 3117173 316658
                Retail of Vehicles Fuel
      家用电器及电子产品专门零售 590 2876976 3607573 128552 187026
            Retail of Family Electric Equipment and Product
        家用视听设备零售 43 314021 348699 1871 18143
                Retail of Family Electric Equipment
        日用家电零售 274 1385105 1964093 47024 84273
                Retail of Daily-use Electric Equipment
        计算机、软件及辅助设备零售 127 516029 564316 32430 25585
                Wholesale of Computer Software and
                Supplementary Equipments
        通信设备零售 94 477722 520944 44190 45911
                Retail of Telecommunicate Equipment
      五金、家具及室内装饰材料专门零售 599 3233690 3532558 200309 257937
            Retail of Hardware, Furniture and Inside
            Decoration Materials
      货摊、无店铺及其他零售业 2281 13559910 16701690 1789300 848010
            Retail of No Stores and Others