15-2 限额以上批发零售与住宿餐饮业企业基本情况
Basic Conditions of Enterprises above Designated Size in Wholesale and Retail
Trades,Hotels and Catering Services
项目 Item 2005 2010 2019 2020 2021
  法人企业(个)  Number of Corporation(unit) 3107 4997 18828 20578 22693
    批发和零售业   Wholesale and Retail Trades 2499 3924 16404 17956 19876
    住宿和餐饮业   Hotels and Catering Services 608 1073 2424 2622 2817
  批发和零售业(亿元)  Wholesale and Retail Trades (100 million yuan)
    商品购进总额   Total Goods Purchase 2796.41 7707.09 34477.53 43004.25 60423.15
    商品销售总额   Total Goods Sales
3051.03 8304.12 39334.09 45882.59 63349.14
    商品库存总额   Total Goods Inventory 192.07 657.42 1753.40 2443.67 2473.81
  住宿和餐饮业营业额(亿元)  Total Sales in Hotels and Catering Services
 (100 million yuan)
79.36 197.63 570.51 484.61 612.69