14-16 邮政业网点及邮递路线
Postal Network and Postal Routes
项目 Item 2010 2015 2020 2021
  营业网点(处)  Number of Offices (unit) 2254 6467 8365 11965
    快递营业网点   Outlets for Express Services 2254 6453 6730 6349
  信筒信箱(个)  Number of Post Boxes(unit) 14429 8730 7312 7291
  农村投递路线(公里)  Rural Delivery Routes(km) 89432 92262 117538 117553
  城市投递路线(公里)  Urban Delivery Routes(km) 40401 33147 68794 72378
  邮政总长度(单程)(公里)  Length of Postal Routes(km) 218405 203778 298991 404389
   #航空邮路   Airway 160227 129466 162565 160533
    汽车邮路   Moter 43770 72387 136159 236543
Note:Since 2012,Airway and Moter Postal Routes not included EMS.