第十一篇  农业

Chapter 11  Agriculture


资料整理:吴新榕 严可宁 周万春 郑骁喆 郭宏杨

Database Editor: Wuxinrong Yankening Zhouwanchun Zhengxiaozhe Guohongyang 







Brief Introduction


Main Content and Source of Data

Data in this chapter show the basic conditions of agricultural production and rural economy, mainly including agricultural output, value added, rural labor force, output of main agricultural produces, cultivated land, agricultural machinery and basic construction on irrigation and drainage.

The coverage of the comprehensive statistical reporting includes all productive units of farming, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery and those related non agricultural affiliated units with various ownership and the activities of horse raising for military purpose and those undertaken by agricultural research institutions are excluded.

Since 2003, data on the gross output value and value added have been calculated under the new classification of economic activities. Crop plantation and other agricultural activities have been excluded according to the classification. Value of industrial output by rural households is not included in agriculture and used only as supplementary indicators. Since 2010, we carry out the product of category statistics,nut fruits belongs to farming and collection of wild plants belongs to forestry. Transport of bamboo and timber cover all the units related. Services to farming, forestry, animal husbandry are included in farming In order to be comparable; data on Farming, Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery in from 2007 to 2017 have been adjusted according to the data obtained from the Third National Agricultural Census.

Data in this chapter are based on the statistical reporting summary tables and are prepared and compiled by the Division of Countryside Statistics of  Fujian Provincial Bureau of Statistics, Agricultural Investigation Division and Rural Investigation Division of Survey Office of the National Bureau of Statistics in Fujian.