11-23 淡水产品产量
Output of Freshwater Aquatic Products
单位:万吨 (10000 tons)
项目 Item 2000 2005 2010 2020 2021
  淡水产品产量  Output of Freshwater Aquatic Products 57.39 63.47 74.16 92.49 95.59
  #养殖产量   Output of Freshwater Culturing 49.73 55.81 65.97 85.47 88.40
  按类别分  By Kind
  #淡水鱼类   Freshwater-fish 50.11 54.05 62.68 76.80 79.49
    虾蟹类   Shrimps,Prawns and Crabs 1.14 3.34 5.10 10.00 10.31
    贝类   Shell-fish 4.46 4.43 4.84 4.67 4.73
  主要品种产量  By Product
    淡水鳗   Freshwater Eel 6.99 8.29 8.75 10.75 11.11
    草鱼   Grass Carp 10.97 12.24 13.84 17.73 18.30
    鲢鱼   Silver Carp 8.27 6.06 6.21 7.90 8.44
    鲤鱼   Carp 4.36 5.48 5.08 6.12 6.27
    罗非鱼   Tilapia mossambica 10.56 9.50 11.08 12.06 12.37